Surveys management

When you accede to 'Surveys', GlobalSUITE displays this table:
Name: Name of the conducted survey.
Date: Conducting Date of the survey.
Departament: Department Name on which it appears the survey results.
Supervisor: Name of the survey supervisor.
Type: It allows you to view the typology of the generated survey.
Model: It indicates the model on which the survey has been conducted.
Publication: It identifies the publication name of the survey.
NOTE: The survey models are defined in 'Administration/Survey Management'.
These are the options which the platform allows you to perform in the initial table:
Models: It allows you to select the model, which has been created in 'Administration/Surveys Management', in the dropdown menu. For this task you have to select the type in the dropdown menu.
New: Once selected the desired model,when you click on the button, it generates a new entry in the surveys table.
Remove: It allows you to remove a survey already created in the table. For this task you have to select the desired table and click on the button 'Remove'.
Download: It offers the possibility of downloading the surveys list in editable format (xlsx) or in PDF.
Show Charts: It allows you to view charts/graphs by Type of Survey and status, to verify the status of all surveys generated.

When you click on any entry of the initial table, you accede to specific information of the survey.