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BIA Time Surveys

Survey General Data

It allows you to define the following information:

  • Name: It allows you to define the name of the survey.

  • Type: It indicates the Model on which the survey has been conducted.

  • Department: It allows you to identify the name of the Department on which the results have been obtained.

  • Supervisor: It offers the possibility of identifying the supervisor of the survey.

  • Date: It enables to establish the completion date of the survey.

  • Business Process: It allows you to define the business process which has been assessed in the survey.

Customizable questions

In BIA form will display the questions configured in the section of 'Configuration/Business Continuity'. These questions can be of different types: 'Text', 'Select', 'Table' or 'Table of items'. In the 'Table' questions you can add records by clicking on the 'New' button and with the 'Remove' button delete the ones you want, besides you can edit each one of the fields by double clicking. For 'Item table' questions you can include items of the item Inventory (Analysis/ Inventory) with the 'Relate items' button. When you click on it, a pop-up window is displayed where the list of items appears with the categories configured for the question, allowing the selection of those items that you want to add to the question, and adding them through the 'Associate items' button.

If the process is in the Dependency tree with related items, the item table displays by default the items that are associated in the dependency tree. If, on the other hand, the process is not found in the dependency tree, the item table shows all items of the inventory. Regardless of the items shown in the initial load, the 'Show' button allows you to display all the inventory items (Show All) or only the items associated with the process (By Process). You can also add new items by clicking the ‘Create item’ button. These items will be displayed in red to indicate that they are not items from the inventory. For all the items included in the question 'item table', it is possible to specify the instant of recovery in case of disaster, using the fields 'RTO value' and 'RTO unit', in addition you can add comment for each item.

List of Survey questions

For each one of the surveys defined in ‘Administration/Surveys Management’, it allows you to fix all of the answers which the supervisor has planned and the department interviewed.

Dimensions valuation

It offers the possibility of valuing the dimensions established for the BIA.

Survey Questions

It allows the user to define most generic points when you’re establishing the BIA, as the following points could be:

  • Maximum inactivity time: It allows you to define the Maximum tolerable period of disruption (MTPD).

  • Minimum level: It identifies the minimum levels which are needed for the service provision.

  • Trust level: It allows you to indicate the trust level of the user according to the defined MTPD.

  • Minimum Required Resources: It offers the possibility of identifying the required resources for providing the service.

  • Term: It allows you to define the recovery time scale of the required resources for supporting the service or business process.

  • Justification: This text field serves to justify the term which is identified in the previous section.

  • Comments: It allows you to include any additional comment related with the interview.

NOTE: The survey results can be downloaded in editable format (.xlsx). For this, you have to click on the button ‘Download’ which it’s available in the top and button side of the survey tab.

Survey monitoring

It allows you to perform a follow-up of the survey, you can leave a comment or observation about the survey.

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