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Employees Survey

Survey general data

It allows you to define the following information:

  • Name: It allows you to define the survey name.

  • Type: It indicate the model type of the survey.

  • Departament: It allows you to idenfity the department name on which the results have been obtained.

  • Supervisor: It offers the possibility of identifying the survey supervisor.

  • Other Supervisor: It identifies other supervisor which is not active in the platform.

  • Email: It has the possibility of including the email account for any notification.

  • Date: It indicates the date for conducting the survey.

  • Business Process: It allows you to define the business process evaluated in the survey.


The current section allows the user to answer those questions which have been defined in the section 'Administration/Survey Models' and configured in the section 'Managemnet/Surveys Configuration' where it's established the model on which the employees survey is generated.


It allows that supervisor of generating the survey can visualize their roles and it's possible to add additional roles in the survey. For this task, you have to select the role in the dropdown and click on the button 'Add'. In case you wish to deassociate a specific role you have to select it on the table and click on the button 'Remove'.

Surveys monitoring

It allows you to carry out a survey monitoring, you can do any comment or observation about the survey.

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