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This option allows you to manage the compliance status of the controls stablished in the section 'Administration/Compliance Catalogs'.

To access a catalog, and to carry out the compliance management, you have to click on the name. By accessing there are two options that are detailed in the following sections:

When you access to this option, GlobalSUITE allows the user to establish the compliance catalogs which the user needs. For this task, the user can carry out the following options:

  • Type: It allows the user to select the compliance catalog to manage

  • Add: It allows you to insert a new entry in the table. For this task, you have to select the type of catalog and to click on the button ‘Add'.

  • Remove: It allows you to remove a catalog of the table. For this task, you have to remove the row or rows and click on the button ‘Remove’.

  • Copy: It offers the possibility of generating a copy of one catalog which is already defined. For this you have to select the row of the catalog and click on the button ‘Copy’.

  • Activate: It allows you to identify in the compliance catalog which is the catalog active or inactive. For this task, you have to select the row and click on the button ‘Activate’ – and the row will be shown in green.

  • Ranking - Compliance: This option allows you to obtain a report with the compliance catalogs you want to include, this option performs a comparison of the controls that each catalog used. When you click on the button 'Ranking, GlobalSUITE displays the following screen:

The window displays all compliance catalogs of the company, allowing the selection those catalogs that you want to include in the report. In the drop down list "Type" there are two options (Safeguards and Record), that allow you to obtain two types of reports. Once selected the catalogs and the report type you have to click on the button 'Download' for obtaining a report in .xls format.

  • Comparison: This option allows you to obtain comparison graphs for watching the status of different compliance options of the same catalog. When you click on the button, GlobalSUITE displays the following screen:

In the drop down list "Type" are included the compliance catalogs of the company. When you select a catalog, it displays all the compliance records which have been generated in the selected catalog. Before the generation of the comparison ghaph, GlobalSUITE allows you to select compliance records you want to user in the graph thanks to the checks (left side of the screen). Once selected the records, click on the button 'Show Graphs' and the graphs will be displayed.

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