Configuration of the Status

This option allows you to set the status that will be used to analyze the compliance catalog. By default, the statuses that appear correspond to the statuses configured for compliance catalog in the "Compliance Catalog" of the “Administration” menu.
The statuses that come by default can be configured in a particular way for the record of the Compliance catalog. This option allows you to modify the statuses only for this compliance catalog, so that if the compliance catalog is again used in the "GAP Analysis" option or the "Compliance" option, it will take by default the statuses defined in the template of the catalog.
To modify the statuses you must use the "Add" and "Remove" buttons. You can edit the name of each state in both Spanish and English, so the users can view the status in the language you have set in your profile.
Finally, each status has a percentage of completion. This percentage is used to calculate the graphs of compliance catalog, considering the percentage of each one of the requirements of the catalog.