User Types
This section allows you to define the name on which the users accede to the platform, and the role of the user. The available roles are divided in two categories:
Role Category = Enterprise Administrator

Platform Administrator: The user can accede to the assigned environment, manage all options of the section ‘Administration’ and manage the user with category ‘Enterprise Administrator’
Enterprise Administrator: The user can accede to the assigned environment and manage all options of the section ‘Administration’. This user can create and view users with lower role.
Configuration Administrator: The user can accede to the assigned environment and manage all options of the section ‘Administration’, except the following sections: ‘Company Roles’, ‘Users’, ‘Access logs’ and ‘Actions logs’.
Entity Administrator: The user can accede to the assigned environment and administrate the options: Subentities, Profile and Users.
Accesses Administrator: The user can only accede to the administration environment, but it’s limited to this options: ‘Company Roles’, ‘Users’, ‘Access logs’ and ‘Action logs’
Role Category = Enterprise User

Enterprise: The user can accede to the assigned entity (You select the entity in the drop down menu ‘Subentity’) and the user doesn’t have administration permits.
Entity: The user can accede to the assigned entity (You select the entity in the drop down menu ‘Subentity’) and consolidate information of the entities which depends on the entity (in case it exists). The user doesn’t have administration permits.
For both users, it's possible to assign a specific sub-role. The sub-roles are created in the option: 'Company Roles'.