Authentication Types
In the section User Data there are fields that allows you to customize the authentication for accessing to GlobalSUITE®. There are detailed each one of the fields below:

Type of Authentication: It allows you to indicate how the authentication of the user for accessing to GlobalSUITE®. There are two options:
Regular: The authentication is performed by GlobalSUITE®.
AD: The authentication is performed with Active Directory of Windows. The connection of GlobalSUITE® with the AD of the organization must be configured previously.
LDAP: The authentication is performed with a standard LDAP. The connection of GlobalSUITE® with the LDAP of the organization must be configured previously
Related user: It allows you to associate the existing user of the organization or a user with higher level in order to avoid that there are different users for each of the entities or companies that have access to that user level. To do this you must have licenses to entities or consulting Enterprise license associated licenses. To associate the related user, you must click on the red icon and a popup will appear with the list of users that can be associated
Dependent users: You can view the users that the own user will have access. This options allows that organizations with entities can provide a single user with access to several entities, without having to create a user for each of the entities or business with an Enterprise license. To assign dependent users, you must access the dependent user and mark the current user as "Related User".
Access to Company: Permite marcar si se permite el acceso del usuario a su propia empresa, o por el contrario, solo tendrá acceso a las entidades con las que se ha realizado y que se visualizan en el apartado anterior de "Usuarios Dependientes".