Non Conformities
GlobalSUITE has this option which allows you to register, to manage and to store all types of non-conformities. These non-conformities can come from any ambit.
Once inside the option ‘Non-conformities’, you will find by default the list of all the non-conformities that remains registered, or being implemented, rejected or closed:

New: It allows you to generate manually non-conformities
Remove: It allows you to remove non-conformities previously generated.
Copy: This option allows you to copy one non-conformity that has been defined previously
Show: When you use GlobalSUITE as data base of knowledge, in this option you can select if GlobalSUITE® shows the non-conformities that are open or all of them. You can do it through the dropdown in this option.

Import: This option allows a massive load of non-conformities that are in an Excel file. When you click on the button, the tool requests a file in Excel format that must contain a set of columns with the information of the non-conformities that you want to import, regardless of the order of the columns, since it allows selecting those that you want to import.