Non conformity Form
Ticket data
In this field there are the entire fields which allow you to realize the registration of non-conformities.
ID: This field will be generated automatically and it will correspond with an unique non-conformity.
Topic: It allows you to assign a name or to describe briefly the non-conformity.
Description: It allows you to specify the body of the non-conformity.
Type: these options don’t exist by default and the solution only allows you to select the non-conformity when you assign the typology.
Status: It defines the status of the non-conformity when it’s managed. The solution provides us the following options:
Registered: This status is established when the registration of the claim has been done.
Being implemented: Once registered, this change of status indicates which the resolution process of the non-conformity has been initiated.
Rejected: It determines after the analysis which it’s not a real deviation and therefore a possible solution is rejected.
Closed: It established which a solution for the non-conformity has been proposed.
Customer/Origin: It allows you to establish if the non-conformity is associated with a customer or with a particular origin.
Contact: It defines the person or client which is affected by the non-conformity.
Other contact: It allows you to determine other contact for the treatment of the non-conformity.
Email: This e-mail account is associated with the non-conformity.
Alert Changes: It allows you to send automatically an e-mail with any modification of the status which has been produced in the non-conformity. In this way, the client will know every moment how the management of the non-conformity has been carried out.
NOTE: In case an Emailing group has been created in the section 'Start up/Business Relations', GlobalSUITE allows you to send alerts to a specific group. For this task you have to select the company you want (it must be created in the section 'Start up/Business Relations') and determine if you wish to advice a contact or a group. In case you select the Group, the software offers the possibility for sending to the group that you want to notify the changes in the ticket.
Services: It’s possible to select the services which are affected by the non-conformity.
Once inside the definition of the non-conformities, you can identify:
Affected areas: You can select those areas that have been affected by the non-conformity which defined previously.
Date of Receipt: It determines the date on which the non-conformity has been detected.
Supervisor: It determines the supervisor for managing the non-conformity.
Root Cause Analysis: It allows you to determine the origin of the non-conformity detected.
Immediate Solution: It allows you to establish the solution which the non-conformity will be solved
Closing Date: It established the date on which it has proceeded to close the non-conformity.
Impact: It established the damages which suppose not to carry out the resolution of the non-conformity previously registered.
Urgency: It establishes the necessity of resolution on which the non-conformity must be treated
Priority: This value is obtained by the average among the impact & urgency values.
It offers the possibility to visualize the items affected by the event or values previously defined in the risk analysis. The tasks, which can be done in this section, are:
Items: It allows you to select the item or items affected by the event.
Analysis: It allows you to select the analysis or several analysis where is valuated the specfic item.
NOTE: An item can be valuated in different risks analysis and with different valuations. Hence there is the need for indicating the risks analysis which we want to load.
Add Item: Once selected the item, you can insert it in the table.
Remove Item: It allows you to remove one or several items of the tablew. For this reason you have to select the row or rows you want and click on the button 'Remove Item'.
Once selected the row of the desired item, the table, which is located at the bottom, allows the user to visualize or modify the values defined in the section 'Analysis/Risk Analysis'. GlobalSUITE stands out in red those valuations which have been modified.
NOTE: The platform allows you to simulate how the incident affects to the assest valuated in the section 'Risk Management/Projection & Simulation'
The actions, which can be done in the table,are:
Restore Threats: It allows you to restore the initial values of the table according to the Risks Analysis. Permite restaurar los valores iniciales de la tabla segun el Análisis de Riesgos realizado.
Follow up
GlobalSUITE will allow you to register the different actions that have been carried out with respect to the treatment and the management of the non-conformities.
The different options which can be done in the section ‘Follow-ups’, it has been defined previously.
Associated documentation
It allows the user to associate any documentation which has relation with the testing program. For this task, the user has to click on the button ‘Attach’ and to select the file. In case it wants to remove a file, it has to select the file and to click on the button ‘Remove’. Finally, if the user clicks on the button ‘Download’, GlobalSUITE offers the possibility of downloading the file.
Inputs & Outputs
Inputs: It allows you to determine if the non-conformity proceeds by other type of event.
Corrective action.
Preventive action.
Non conformity.
Service Request.
False positive.
Outputs: It allows you to determine if the non-conformity derives in other type of event, GlobalSUITE provides these options for the inputs (previously exposed)
There are a set of common options for the inputs and outputs:
Add: You have to select the event where proceeds or which derives, it will be include in the appropriate field and it will be generated other option in the event, excepting in the cases of ‘Event’ or ‘False Positive’
Remove: It removes any event which has been added.
Associate existing ones: In case the event has been created before, this option allows you to seek the event, and for associating the service request with the event.