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Document Manager

The document manager allows you to carry out a management of the documentation of the system or management systems of the company you have selected. The Document Manager is adapted to the management systems and tools you have in your company; and it can include common sections for the management of one system (MS folder) and the option of individualized folders for each system.

The functionality of each of the buttons (from left to right) is offered by the Document Manager is as follows:

  • Options: It groups some of the options that allows the Document Manager. By clicking on the button: "Options", GlobalSUITE displays a menu which the buttons below.

    • New folder: It allows you to create new folders for the document manager. For this task we select the row and click on the button ‘New folder’.

    • Download file: This option enables to download the document of the row which is selected.

    • Associate workflow: By associating a specific workflow to document manager it allows all people assigned to the wokflow (in all states that can display the folder, making it impossible to display to other users who have access to the document manager. To this end, you have to select the folder and click on the 'Associate workflow' button.

    • Expand: It enables the possibility of expanding or minimizing the list of documents.

    • Collapse: It allows you to collapse the folders of the Document Manager for viewing the root with the organization name solely. This option facilitates the search of documents when there are a big structure of folders in the Document Manager.

  • Remove: It allows you to remove a folder or file. For this task you have to select a folder or file and clicking on the button: Remove.

  • State of Workflow activation: Next to "Delete" button there is a sphere that depending on its color, it indicates if the document management is under approval by the workflows of files. The meaning of each color of the sphere is specified below:

    • Green: It indicates that the workflows have been activated in the Administration Panel of GlobalSUITE (General option clicking on the checkbox ‘Workflow activation’).

    • Red: It indicates that the workflows have not been activated in the Administration Panel of GlobalSUITE, and the document manager operates as a repository of files and documents.

  • Details: Once you have selected the document, GlobalSUITE allows you to view the details of the document and to manage it through the workflow defined in the section: ‘Administracion/My Company’.

The table on the left shows all versions of the stored document. These are the actions that can be performed:

  • Back: GlobalSUITE returns to the document manager.

    • Upload: It allows you to accede to the browser of files for selecting the document you want to upload.

    • View: It allows a view of the file or document, without being downloaded. This is allowed for files with extension .pdf, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp and .png.

    • Options: In the ‘Options’ button are grouped the following buttons:

      • Remove: It allows you to remove a version of an existing file. For this task you have to select the row of the file and click on the button ‘remove’.

      • Download: The option enables the download of the document you have selected.

      • Change to Active version: It allows you, in case you have several versions, to identify the document into force. This document will be stood out in green and displayed in the Document Manager.

The document view is displayed as shown in the following image:

The box on the right shows the general data of the document and other information that can be managed on it:

  • Workflow information: It shows the information of the document manager where it has been established the different states of the document, the approval criteria and terms.

    • Name of the version: It identifies the name of the document

    • Version date It allows you to define the creation date of the document.

    • Version: It enables to indicate the version of the document selected.

    • Changes: This Text field allows you to identify any additional note about the document.

    • State assessment: It’s the list of coordinators which approves and rejects the state and version of the document.

    • Follow-up: It offers the possibility of inserting different notes related with the document you have selected.

These are the options that GlobalSUITE allows on this table:

  • Save:' It allows you to save all changes performed on the document.

    • Move from status: It offers of the possibility to move the next documentary status once been the supervisors have approved it.

Continuing with the document table and the header options of Document Manager, GlobalSUITE allows you to carry out the following options:

  • Upload: It allows you to accede to the browser of files for selecting the document you want to upload and select the workflow to associate it, selecting an option in the drop down menu. The documents that you want to store in the document manager must be smaller than 15 MB. The formats allowed in the platform are:

    • pdf: Adobe PDF

    • doc: Microsoft Word

    • docx: Microsoft Word 2007

    • dot: Microsoft Word - Template

    • ppt: Microsoft Power Point

    • pps: Microsoft PowerPoint

    • pptx: Microsoft Power Point 2007

    • ppsx: Microsoft PowerPoint

    • xls: Microsoft Excel

    • xlsx: Microsoft Excel 2007

    • xlsm: Microsoft Excel - Macro-enable worksheet

    • vsd: Microsoft Visio Diagram Document Format

    • vst: Microsoft Visio Flowchart Format

    • mpp: Microsoft Project

    • mpt: Microsoft Project - Template

    • odt: Open Office Text

    • odp: Open Office Presentation

    • ods: Open Office Spreadsheet

    • odg: Open Office Graphs

    • txt: Plain text

    • rtf: Rich text

    • jpg: JPG image

    • jpeg: JPEG image

    • png: PNG image

    • bmp: Windows standard image

    • mgr: MGR Bitmap Image

    • csv: Comma Separated File

    • msg: Email

    • bpm: Bizagi Modeler

    • bpmc: Bizagi Modeler

    • rar: Compressed file

    • 7z: Compressed file

    • zip: Compressed file

    • svg: Vector Image

  • View: It allows you to view a document or file without downloading it. This is possible with the following types of files: .pdf, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp y .png.

  • Download: It enables the download of the list of documents in editable format.(.xlsx) or in PDF. You can also download all in compressed format.

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