Workflows Configuration
This option allows you to generate different status of approval of the documents which are stored in the Document Manager of the Management System
When you click on this option, you accede to its own configuration and you define the following parameters.
Name: It identifies the name of the workflow which will be shown in the initial list.
Deadline: It allows you to define if we want to establish an approval term of the documental statuses (in days).
Alert Published: Define whether we want to notify those responsible for the published state (last state) when a document reaches it.
Statuses: It establishes the statuses associated with the documentation stored in the Document Manager. These are the actions which can be performed:
New: It allows you to insert a new status in the table.
Remove: It allows you to remove an status already defined in the table. For this task you have to select the row or rows and click on the button 'Remove'.
Move up Status Estado: It allows you to modify the order (ascending) of one specific status which has been already defined.
Move down Status: It allows you to modify the order(descending) of one specific status which has been already defined.
The columns, which are shown in the table, parameterizes the following fields:
Name: The user can define the name of the status clicking twice on the specific cell.
Order: It shows the order of the different statuses defined. For modifying the order, you must use the buttons of Move up Status or Move down Status previously developed.
Approval Criteria: It allows you to identify the number of users which must approve the status of the document. This number must be equal to the number of Coordinators identified for the Status which you have selected.
Term (days): It allows you to identify the necessary term for the coordinators approved the status of the document, the following cases are possible:
Open-ended term: If the user has not established an approval term, the document will not change its status until all the coordinators approve the status of the document.
Defined term: If the user has defined an approval term, it could be two situations: 1. all coordinators have approved the document, and GlobalSUITE will not modify its status until the term has finished or 2. The Term has been complied but it's necessary the approval of all coordinators, and the document will return to the previous status of the table.
Back: This button enables to return to the previous status of the document, but you have to select the checkbox and all coordinators must have been approved the documentation after the defined time period.
Coordinators: This field can identify the coordinators for approving or rejecting the documents stored in the document manager.
Higher Coordinators: It offers the possibility of associating coordinators/supervisors to higher entities for aproving or rejecting a document status.