The 'Strategies' option of GlobalSUITE® allows you to define the continuity strategies that the organization will adopt once the risk analysis has been performed.
An upper submenu with two options appears on the main screen. In the option Definition of Strategies (default option) will display the list of defined strategies. In addition to the list of strategies, this screen allows the following functions:
New: It allows you to generate a new strategy.
Remove: It allows you to remove the defined strategies. You have to select the row you want to remove.
Download: It allows you to download the list of strategies generated and defined in GlobalSUITE.

In addition to the options indicated above, this screen displays additional information that corresponds to the maturity of each strategy in several processes of the organization. In this way, it can be checked strategy by strategy, the status of this strategy in the various related processes. The number corresponds to the times that the maturity of this strategy has been determined. Therefore, the columns that can be viewed are:
Category: Category defined by the strategy (These categories are configured in Administration).
Configured levels: As many columns as levels configured in Administration. These columns will display the number of times the strategy has been answered at the maturity level.
Total: It displays the number of processes where the strategy has been answered.
To accede to the configuration of the strategy, click on the name of the strategy.