Assessment of Strategies
If you click on the second option of the upper submenu, the Services and Processes tree defined in Start up- Processes is displayed first.

Within this screen, there are two possible options:
View Process Result: Depending on the process selected in the tree, it will be possible to assess the strategies that have been defined for this process.
View Global Result: Depending on the organizational structure selected, GlobalSUITE will display a summary of the business processes that belong to the organizational structure selected and the strategies of the set of business processes.
View Result by Process
By selecting in the table the process and clicking on the View Result by Process button, GlobalSUITE will leave the view where you can answer the assessment of the strategies in the process.

Process name: Process to which it refers. It cannot be modified.
Organizational Structure: Area to which the process belongs
Modification date: Date of the last modification in some of the strategies of the process
Assessment of Results: List of strategies that affect the selected process. You can see the following columns:
Category: Category of the strategy
Strategy: Name of the strategy
Assessment Level: Maturity of the strategy in the business process. When you click twice on the cell, a list will be displayed with the levels defined in Administration.

Comments: Any additional information related to the strategy.
Majority: Majority level of that strategy in the rest of the company's processes.
View Global Result
When you select the organizational structure in the table and click on the View Global Result button, GlobalSUITE displays a summary view where you view the level of maturity of the business process in that strategy.

The information is displayed in a tree form, where the root will be the strategies of some of the processes of the selected area and the children the processes where that strategy is related The information displayed on this screen is as follows:
Strategy: Name of the strategies that affect some business process of the selected area.
Category: Category of the strategy
Description: Description defined in the strategy
'Process: One row for each process where the strategy is implemented.
Result: Maturity of the implementation of the strategy in the process.
Observations: Any additional aspect of the strategy in the process.
This view can be downloaded in an excel or pdf as a summary of the selected area. You may use the "Display table" option that allows us to download the global view of strategies by organizational Structure.