In this section, GlobalSUITE has the option to register, manage and store all type of claims which arrive from any ambit of the organization.
Once inside the option, you will find by default the list of claims which remain registered, reported or in research:

New: It allows you to generate claims manually.
Remove: It allows you to remove the claims that you have been generated.
Copy: It allows you to copy the claim that you have been defined before.
Show: When you use GlobalSUITE® as data base of knowledge, in this option you can select if GlobalSUITE® shows the claims that are open or all of them. You can do it through the dropdown in this option.

Download: It allows you to download the list of changes.
Show charts: It allows you to represent those claims that have been defined. This option allows us to show the images of the statistics and how it has shown in the option of ‘Incidents’ :
GlobalSUITE allows you to see graphically or separately the status of the changes (realized and generated).
Totals: All the changes registered.
Open: Just show claims which remain open.
Closed: Just show claims which remain closed.
In addition, it allows you to represent any type of combination among these options
The images can be printed directly or can be downloaded in different formats: PNG, JPEG, PDF and SVG (vector).

Import: This option allows a massive load of Claims that are in an Excel file. When you click on the button, the tool requests a file in Excel format that must contain a set of columns with the information of the claims that you want to import, regardless of the order of the columns, since it allows selecting those that you want to import.