Settings Management Properties
This section allows you the parametrization of the dropdown list which are located in the options of the Management menu.
Involved Areas: It allows the user to incorporate different affected areas that can be assigned to the tickets. The 'New' and 'Delete' buttons allows you to create new areas or delete areas, as well as to edit their name by double-clicking on the row.
GlobalSUITE proposes by default the following areas: Capacity, Suppliers, Security and Availability (according to the modules which are available). These areas cannot be modified or removed because they are related with GlobalSUITE options for providing specific functionalities.
Capacity: The incidents, non-conformities and indicators, which have been assigned in this area, can be consulted in the capacity plans elaborated in the option 'Capacity' in the 'Plans' menu.
Suppliers/Third parties: The incidents, non-conformities and indicators, which have been assigned in this area, can be associated with a provider registered in the 'Suppliers' option of the 'Start-up' menu. Once registered the supplier, in the form of each provider you will be able to consult all the incidents and non-conformities that you have assigned during the evaluation, as well as to display the graph of the indicator that has related.
Security: All tickets can be assigned to this area to indicate that it is a ticket related to security.
Availability: The incidents, non-conformities and indicators, which have been assigned in this area, can be consulted in the availability plans elaborated in the option 'Availability' in the 'Plans' menu.
Types of Telephones of Employees: It allows to create different types of telephones for identifying the specific telephone of each employee (personal, mobile, work, etc.). The types configured in this table are displayed in the Employees form, where each employee is allowed to create more than one telephone. Using the 'New' and 'Remove' buttons allows you to create new types or delete existing ones, as well as edit their name by double clicking on the row.