Common Screen
This option allows us to define which fields and in what order we want them to appear in the Common Screen Table, this table is the one that appears in many options of the tool to associate the tickets with these options, we can also see this common screen in the fields of Tickets-Input and Tickets-Output.

Spanish Name: It allows us to establish a new name in Spanish for that common screen of the added field.
English Name: It allows us to establish a new name in English for that common screen of the added field.
Link: It allows us to make the field as Link to redirect to the form of the selected ticket.
Size with select: It allows you to adjust the width of the column.
Size without select: It allows you to adjust the width of the column.
Visible by default: It allows us to define the visibility of that column by default, or that the column appears hidden initially.
Type of tickets: The different types of tickets that we have are displayed, with a select in which we can associate a relationship between tickets, that is, it allows us to define that for the Name field in the common screen, it will be related to the Subject field of a type of tickets, and for other types of tickets it will be related to the Denomination field.