New Company
This option allows the consultant companies and supplier companies to create companies in GlobalSUITE assigning the services that have hired previously.
General Data
Firstly, you have to select the services you want on the drop down menu as it’s displayed on the image below, and click on the button ‘Add’.

The available services for the creation of companies will depend on the products that your company have hired in GlobalSUITE. The most important product of GlobalSUITE are listed below:
GlobalSUITE - Information Security: It is the solution for the implementation, management & maintenance of the Information Security Management System that is based on the directive ISO 27001. It allows the integrated management of the directive & achieves the complete cycle of the standard, from the initial phases & the planning of the projects to the maintenance & continual improvement. The platform enables the generation of statistics for analyzing the organization status and its alignment with the risk management.
GlobalSUITE - Service Management:: It is the software that facilitates the implementation, management & maintenance of the Service Management System that is based on ISO 20000. It enables to maintain one integrated system with the 13 processes of ISO 20000 completely automatized
GlobalSUITE - Business Continuity: It is the software that facilitates the implementation, management, maintenance and deployment of the Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery management systems in conformity with the International standard ISO 22301 and ISO 27031. It allows you to define the scope and objectives, committees and the involved people, carry out a initial GAP for viewing the level of maturity in continuity, etc.
GlobalSUITE - Risk Management: It’s a platform that offers the possibility for developing the complete cycle of risk assessment (Identification, Analysis, Risks evaluation) based on the standard ISO 31000 about the risk management.
GlobalSUITE - Balanced ScoreCard: It's the product for the management of balanced scorecard which is used in organizations for managing, controlling and improving their strategic objectives continually.
GlobalSUITE - Critical Infrastructures Protection: It’s software which facilitates the implementation, management, maintenance & deployment of Critical Infrastructures Protection Management Systems. The platform enables the maintenance of the Operator Security Plan (OSP) and the Specific Protection Plans (SPP) automatically and in an integrated environment.
GlobalSUITE - Compliance: It’s the product for managing legal, contractual and regulatory compliance. It’s used for creating adequacy plans to the requirements established automatically, to carry out Gap Analysis against any regulatory framework, etc. The platform enables the monitoring of the status of each requirement, it also can communicate with other controls monitoring tools, link with the documentation and perfect definition of statuses and objectives for controlling the compliance.
GlobalSUITE - Data Protection LFPDPPP: This product has been developed for achieving the adequacy of the companies to the LFPDPPP (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares) in Mexico. This product helps to comply with the law, and it's not limited to being a mere repository of information and a host of useless papers.
GlobalSUITE - Data Protection LPDP: This product has been developed for achieving the adequacy of the companies to the LPDP (Ley de Protección de Datos Personales). This product allows the implementation and maintenance of the law through a single, streamlined and automated process.
GlobalSUITE - Esquema Nacional de Seguridad: Software for the implementation, management & maintenance of the National Security Framework (NSF) and after the experience gained with GlobalSUITE-Information Security, it covers the complete cycle of the standard ISO 27001.
GlobalSUITE - Management System: This product facilitates the implementation, management and maintenance of management systems based on the PDCA cycle.
GlobalSUITE - Quality Management: This product allows you to manage the quality management based on the standard ISO 9001, it’s basic for a company that wants an effective system to administrate and improve the quality of its products and services.
GlobalSUITE - Environmental Management: It’s a platform that allows you to describe the process your company must follow to respect the environmental acts/laws. It also offers the possibility to manage an environmental plan which includes targets and environmental goals, politics and steps to achieve these goals.
GlobalSUITE - OHSAS: This product allows the implementation of management systems based on the standard OHSAS 18001 - Ocuppational Health and Safety Management Systems.
The section ‘Available Modules’ indicates those specific modules associated with the selected products. In case you need an additional module, you have to contact with the supplier company.
To conclude, it identifies the type of license that the company has to associated. For those companies that want to have a management system, you have to select the following type of license: "Enterprise".
Company Data
On the last section of this form, you can register the following data about the company: VAT number, corporate name, Telephone, Contact person, E-mail, Address, City, Province, Country, Postal Code, Headquarters and website. En la parte inferior de este formulario se permite indicar los datos identificados de la empresa. Entre todos los datos que aparecen, los campos "CIF" y "Razón social" son obligatorios para poder crear la empresa en GlobalSUITE®.