BIA by Time Survey Model
When you click on the Survey's link, the platform offers a form on which you can define the following fields:
Survey configuration

Name: It allows you to identify the name of the survey. This name will be shown in the initial list of the surveys.
Type: It allows you to view the typology of the survey.
Departament: It enables to identify the department which is in charge of managing the survey.
Coordinator: It allows you to define the coordinator of the survey.
Creation Date: It identifies the creation date of the survey.
Surveys Status: This table allows to define a set of statuses for the survey. These statuses can be assigned to employees when the survey is set up, so that they will be responsible for the survey depending on the status in which they are. For each status it is allowed to define:
The name of the status.
Whether the status is Automatic or not, so that if a state is automatic, the surveys will go to the next status once they are completed without any user intervention. If the status is not automatic, it will be necessary to change the status of a survey manually.
You can change the order of the statuses through the "Move up" and "Move down" buttons.
Depending on the status of the surveys, it can return to the previous status or not, through the field "Turn Back"
Enabled: It indicates that the survey is enabled for its use in GlobalSUITE.
It is possible to translate the fields of the survey model into the rest of the available languages, through the "Translate" button on the upper right. This button will allow us to select another language, and to be able to define the name of the configurable fields in that language. Currently, the survey states.
General Survey Configuration (Impact Type)

Name: It allows you to identify the survey name. This name will be shown in the innitial list of the surveys.
Type: It allows you to view the typology of the survey.
Department: It enables to identify the department which will manage the survey.
Creation Date: It identifies the creation date of the survey.
Available: It allows you to show the survey in the Customer Portal.
Survey Questions Configuration (Impact Type)

The current section allows you to define the questions for generating the BIA of the organization correctly.
NOTE: The types of impact are established in the section 'Administration/Business Continuity'.
Survey Questions Configuration (BIA valuation)

This section allows you to establish the required questions for valuating the fixed dimensions.
Survey Questions Configuration

It offers the possibility of defining the questions for the calculation of the following concepts:
MTPD criteria: It allows you to define a question for establishing the MTPD of the service.
RTO: It offers the possibility of defining a question for establishing the RTO.
RPO: IT allows you to define a question for establishing the RPO of the information.
Minimum Level of Operation: It offers the possibility of defining a question for establishing the minimum levels to operate the service.
Trust Level in the measure: It allows you to define a question for establishing the trust level of the defined values.
Required resources: It allows you to ask about the required resources for the service recovery.
Resumption term: It offers the possibility of defining a question for completing the Resumption term of the services.
Justification: It allows you to ask about the criteria which justify the defined values.
Visibility and Fields order
You can define the visibility of the fields and tables that you can use for performing the BIAs. There are obligatory fields such as Name, Table of Impacts and MTPD.

The table displays the following information:
Name: It displays the ID of the field.
Visible: This check allows you to show or hide a field
Block: Clicking twice on this cell, GlobalSUITE® deploys the list of available blocks for selecting on which block will be displayed the specific field in the form.
Order (by block): This column indicates the order of each field within each block. When you changes a block field, it will be added to the end. It’s also possible to sort the fields manually selecting one and clicking on the buttons: "Move up order" or "Move down order".
NOTE: If a field is not enabled in the general configuration of Business Continuity, it will not be visible in the Survey Models.
Customizable questions
It allows you to include in the BIA survey those questions that have been established in the configuration of "Business Continuity" (Administration).

The table allows you to add the questions that are included in the drop down list through the button 'Add'. Each question added on the table you can associate one of the blocks of the BIA ("Block Holder" column), so that question is located in a particular section. In addition, customizable questions, that are within the same block, can be ordered through the "Move Up Order" and "Move Down Order" button.