Work Report

Audit Report
'Work Name:' Identifies the name of the audit job.
Report number: Shows the report number, with which the audit work is identified. in the name of the methodology. This name is shown in the list of methodologies.
Year: Allows showing the year to subsequently have a list of audit reports for years.
Status: Allows you to identify the status of the job report. The possible states are Open, Validated or Closed to identify each of the phases of the Audit Report.
Rating: This field shows review or assessment of the report, depending on the following options: Good, Fair, Unqualified, Improved, Poor.
Issue date: This is the date on which the audit report is generated.
Observations: It allows to include the observations and relevant data to justify the work report.
Comments: It is possible to incorporate any additional comment to the work report.
Supervisor: This option allows you to associate a supervisor for the preparation of the Work Report, at the level of roles or roles and specific people. Clicking on the Associate button will open a list of roles and employees of the system in a window, in order to associate them.

Documentation: Additionally, in this section it is possible to attach one or several documents.
Select File - Attach Documents are added directly by clicking the 'Select file' button and clicking Attach.
Remove Likewise, to remove them, you have to click on one of them and click on Remove.
Download It allows you to download the added documents.
Display: For pdf files and images, it is possible to preview them in a pop-up screen without having to download it.

Risk changes: It shows a summary of the changes that have arisen in the risks, so that you have control of the changes that have occurred in this work report related to the changes due to the audit .
Control Changes: It allows to identify in the same way the changes that have arisen in the controls of those risks, in such a way that one has control over the changes that have been given in this work report related to the changes due to the audit.
Tickets: It displays the tickets identified during the execution, in addition to allowing to register new ones, in the elaboration phase of the report.