General Information (Test)

These are the options which GlobalSUITE allows in ‘General Information’:
Save: It allows the user to save the information included in the test.
Back: It returns to the main section which shows all the tests generated in GlobalSUITE.
Activate: It indicates which the test has been performed and determines the date of the activation.
Send Notifications:It allows the user to report by mail to the staff in charge of the task for completing the test.
This is the information which can be defined:
Testing Data

Name: It determines the name of the test.
Description: It allows the user to establish additional information which indicates the test information.
Category: It allows the user to define the category of the test.
Supervisor: It indicates the employee in charge of the correct management of the test.
Scheduled Date: It establishes the scheduled date of the test implementation.
Complete: It indicates if the test has been implemented or not.
Performance date: It shows the date on which the test has been performed.
Completion Date: It shows the date on which the test has been completed.
Recovery Plans and Recovery Sequences

This option allows you to associate different recovery plans, which has been established in the section ‘Plans/Recovery Plans’, for implementing the test and the sequences.
Task Tree

The task tree allows the user to establish different tasks which will be performed during the test. These are the options of the table:
Add: It offers the possibility of inserting a recovery sequence.
Disassociate: It allows the user to disassociate a sequence of the table which also includes its tasks. For this, you have to select the sequence and to click on the button ‘Disassociate’.
Remove: It remove a sequence of the table which also includes its tasks. For this, you have to select the sequence and to click on the button ‘Remove’.
New: It allows you to insert a new sequences in the table.
View all: It shows all the tasks that have been added in the test.
Expand/Collapse: It allows you to expand or to collapse the task tree.
Start: It allows you to start a task which it's in the task tree. For this task, you have to select a task and click on the button. Thanks to this option, it's not necessary to be in the task for starting the task.
NOTE: It can be only They can only initiate tasks that are permitted according to the defined dependencies in recovery sequences.
Complete: It allows you to finish a task which it's in the task tree. For this task, you have to select a task and click on the button. Thanks to this option it's not necessary to enter to the task in case you want to finish it.
NOTE: They can be only completed those tasks which are previously initiated.

It allows the user to associate any documentation which has relation with the test program. For this task, the user has to click on the button ‘Attach’ and to select the file. In case it wants to remove a file, it has to select the file and to click on the button ‘Remove’. Finally, if the user clicks on the button ‘Download’, GlobalSUITE offers the possibility of downloading the file.