This option allows us to configure different types of graphs, in order to see a summary of the status in which the different types of tickets are located with respect to some of their fields.

We have the following types of graphics:
General (Ticket): Charts available in the Ticket options of any Management System.
Statuses: Create a graph from the records in the "Status" field or any of the fields of type "SELECT". (By default, the "Status" field)
Registered: Create a graph from the records in the "Status" field or any of the fields of type "SELECT", organized monthly. (By default, the field "Status" must also be configured at least one "Date" field and this must be of the Initial type).
Registered by Year: Create a graph from the records in the "Status" field or any of the fields of type "SELECT", organized Annually. (By default, the field "Status" must also be configured at least one "Date" field and this must be of the Initial type).
Registered by Type: Create a graph from the records in the "Status" field or one of the "SELECT" type fields, where you can see the evolution of the tickets registered by month for each of the Select options.
Registered by Type (Sectors): Create a graph similar to the previous one where, from the records in the "Status" field or one of the "SELECT" type fields, the number of tickets for each one.
Comparative: Create a graph where you can compare the evolution of the "NUM" type fields that we select, by month.
Summation: Creates a graph showing the summation of the field type "NUM" that is selected, by months.
In the Comparative and Summation graphs, you can select which numerical fields are going to be included in the graph, in the table below (in the Summation graph you can select a single field):

Consolidated (Consolidation): Graphs available in environments that have several sub-entities, and allow the consolidation of the information of all of them.
Grouped by Select: Create a graph from the records in the "Status" field or any of the fields of type "SELECT". (By default, the "Status" field).
Outputs: Create a graph from the records in the "Status" field or any of the fields of type "SELECT", related to the Output Tickets specified in the "Tickets-outputs" field. (By default, the field "Status" must also be configured at least one "Date" field and this must be of the Initial type).
Outputs by Term: Create a graph from the records in the "Status" field or any of the fields of type "SELECT", related to the Output Tickets specified in the "Tickets-outputs" field. (By default, the field "Status", must also be configured at least four fields "Date" and each of these with one of the types available "Initial", "Final", "Started Expected", "Expected End").
Some of the columns in this table are:
Name: It allows defining the name that will be shown in the query section for this graph, and that will allow it to be identified. This name can be configured in any of the languages enabled in the configuration. To do this, press the "Translate" button in the upper right corner of the view.
Type of Ticket: It allows us to define in the consolidated graphs, with what type of output ticket the records are compared. In the graphics of the Ticket type, this field will not be editable, it will only show in which ticket option it will be shown.
Record: It allows us to indicate on which field we want the graphs, either the "Status" type field or all the "Select" types that the Ticket has configured.
Option: It allows us to filter the graph with some type of concrete value from the "Status" or "Select" fields of the Ticket.
View: It allows to show if the graph will be seen in the main table of the corresponding ticket type, or in the Consolidation section (if the environment has sub-entities).
Order: Shows us the order in which the graphics will be loaded in the corresponding view. To adjust this order, you can press the "Up" and "Down" buttons, which will change the order of the selected graph.