Reports Models
This section provides reports models for the users: Consulting Administrator, Gold and Platinum, and these users can import them to different companies which are below the main one.

This option present a table with all the reports model that have been created and it provides the following options: New: It allows you to créate a new report model. Remove: It allows you to remove a report model. You have to click on the row you want to remove and clicking on the Remove button.

When you click on the name of the report you access to its configuration and GlobalSUITE® offers two options:
General Configuration

It offers the possibility of defining the general format of the report, it allows you to modify the following parameters:
Name: It identifies the name of the report.
Header: It offers the possibility of displaying a header for the report.
Header content: You can define the information that will contain the header.
Footer: It offers the possibility of displaying a footer for the report.
Footer content: You can define the information that will contain the footer.
Page number: It allows you to identify the page number by selecting the checkbox in the section.
NOTE: This option is only available if the footer is active.
Front Cover: It allows you to enable the option of including a front cover in the report.
Cover content: You can set how to establish the cover, you can select among font type, justification, image, etc.
Index: You can generate an index of the content if you mark the specific checkbox.
Text format: It offers the possibility of modifying the Font type and size of the report.

The items configuration allows you to define the structure and information that the report will contain. The platform allows the following options:
Save: It allows you to store all changes performed on the report.
Back: When you click on this button, GlobalSUITE® returns to the list of reports which are defined in the table.
Items: It allows you to define which items will contain the report. You can select among: Text: Free text field where you can enter the information desired by the user Page orientation: It allows to define the orientation in which the report will be created. You can select between Portrait or Landscape. Graph: It allows you to add different graphs generated by the platform as the following image shows.

Page break: Insert a page break in the report. Table: It allows that the report contains a table, you can select between different models of table (continuity, availability, etc.) and different columns of information

Add: Once selected the items, you can add them to the structure of the report by clicking on the button ‘Add’
NOTE: You can incorporate as many elements as you want. The items displayed are generated in the order you added them. To change the order of items you have to drag them to the desired position.
Import: It allows you to import sections of other reports already built.
Preview: It offers the possibility of generating a preview of the report before the user download it.