Models Management
This option of GlobalSUITE allows the user the creation, modification or deletion of implementation models of projects. This window contains a drop down (at the top and bottom) for selecting a model which already exists. If there is no model, you could create one (cliking on the button ‘New’). For the creation of a new version, you have to click on the icon ‘+’ of the first line of the model where it will be created all the versions as the times you click on the button. Once created the model, you have to create the version and tasks which will compose the model. For the creation of a new version, you have to click on the icon ‘+’ of the first line of the model; it will be created all the versions as the times you click on the button.

When you click on the icon ‘New version’, it will be added a new row in the table of the model with the following columns:
Tree: It contains three types of levels: the root, the name of the model, the version, and the name assigned to the version, and the task with the name assigned to the task of one version.
Type: This field contains four possible values which will fix the type of the task. These are the values": Meeting, Consultancy Work, Company Work and Collaborative Work.
Term (%): This percentage is assigned to each one of the tasks or version. The tasks of the version have to sum 100% and all the versions have to sum 100 for the model can be used.
Actions: This column contains 4 icons with the following functions (From left to right): add one version or task, remove one version or task, move up a position of one version or task, and move down a position of one version or task.
You can include a description field for the versions or tasks. For this, you have to click on the name of the project, the version or the task inside the column ‘Tree’. This form will be shown:

There are two buttons next to the button ‘New’:
Copy: It allows you to do a complete copy of a model already created, which generates automatically an identic model.
Remove: It removes the model you have selected from the list of projects
NOTE: A model will be valid if all the versions and tasks sum 100%. In case they don’t sum 100%, the column ‘duration’ will be shown in red as it’s represented in the following image.

Once defined the porcentajes correctly, the column ‘Duration’ will be shown in Green according to the following image: