Requeriment Form
Inputs: This section is composed of a table with the list of requirements inputs. Each input of the requirement is created by clicking on the 'Add' button, allowing editing the name and description of the input by double clicking on the corresponding field. If you want to delete an input you have to select the desired row or rows and click on the 'Remove' button. Providing the tool with the following dimensions:
Requirement Data
Next, all the fields that will allow you to make a proper record of the requirements are defined.

Identifier (Id): This will be generated automatically and will correspond to a unique number of requirements to identify it.
Topic: It allows you to assign a name that describes the requirement.
Description: It allows specifying the body of the requirement.
Origin/Audit Code: Identify the origin or code of the audit, to relate the ticket with the Audit to which reference
Type: There are two selection options. You can assign the type of requirement, between Requirement Audit and Internal Requirement.
Status: It defines how non-compliance is found during its management. The solution provides us with the following options:
Pending: This state is established when the requirement must be met.
Re-planned pending: It changes to this state when the requirement must be re-planned with other terms.
Attended: Once planned, the change to this state indicates that the process of attending the request has begun.
Rejected: It determines that after the analysis it is considered that it is not a real requirement and therefore a possible solution is rejected.
Closed/Reviewed: It establishes that a solution for the requirement has been proposed.
Management Flow: It is the option corresponding to the Workflow that you have by default, it appears already configured in the absence of users. It is fully configurable in case you want to change the states.

Owner: Indicates the person or people who reported or should make a follow up and be informed of the status of the requirement. To select a new owner, click on Associate to choose it from among the employees of the system. It also offers the possibility to notify via email to the user.
Supervisor: Determine the person in charge of managing the requirement.
Register date: It is a mandatory field to save the ticket. It allows you to enter the creation date of the requirement.
Expected completion date: It establishes the date on which it is considered that the request will be closed.
Proceses: The Services and Processes that are affected by the requirement may be selected. Adding them to it so its dependencies can be appreciated.
Affected areas: In turn, within the definition of each one of the non-conformities, it is possible to identify the areas that are under the influence of the requirement. Those areas, which have been affected by the defined requirement, can be selected.

Impact: It establishes the damage that implies not carrying out the resolution of the registered requirement.
Urgency: It establishes the need for resolution with which the requirement must be addressed.
Priority: This value is obtained from the average between the values obtained in the impact and the urgency.
Evidence: This option allows you to attach documents that you want to upload to link them to the requirement. You can Attach from a location, and then delete if desired, Download or View them without downloading them.

Risks in real time
Proposed changes: It allows you to define the changes that you want to propose in this requirement.
Risks in real time: It achieves to associate the table with the dimensions name, category, owner and risk analysis.
Associate: Once you have selected the element, you can insert it in the table.
Disassociate: It allows to remove one or several items of the table. For this you have to select the desired row and click on the button 'Remove item'
Restore Risk: This button allows you to restore a risk that you want, previously loaded so that you can see the effect in red of the simulated dimensions

Participants: It indicates additional people to those supervisor for the Workflow that are responsible for the management of the requirement. To select one or several people, click on Associate button and mark the corresponding ones in the list of employees. It also offers the possibility to notify via email to the user.

Implantation / Rejection Date: It is the date on which the requirement is implemented / rejected.
Results: It allows to define, according to the monitoring, the results that are going to have
Monitoring: It indicates the monitoring you want to have and the party that is in charge of managing the monitoring associated with the requirement. To create a new resource, click on New buttons where a selectable one appears, or to remove it select it and click on Remove. It also offers the possibility to notify via email to the user.
Review: It defines the revisions of the monitoring of the requirements, where comments of revision of the same can be put
Review date: It is the date in which the monitoring of the requirement are reviewed.


Outputs: If the results of the evaluation are not those expected by the user, the field 'Outputs' allows to open different tickets (incidents, corrective action, etc.) that manage compliance with the SLA. To do this, select the ticket type in the drop-down menu and click on the 'Add' button. This action automatically creates a ticket in the 'Management' section. To remove the ticket, select the desired row and click on the 'Delete' button. Providing the tool with the following dimensions: