Incident Form
Ticket data

ID: It corresponds with the name or for identifying the Incident or Problem which has been generated.
Topic: In this field it’s defined the title of the Incident or Problem.
Description: It’s one of the most important points, because through this field it’s possible to specify on which the Incident or Problem consists.
Registration date: Date of the communication.
Type: This field allows you to identify if the event you are defining it’s an incident, problem, event or a False positive
It’s through the dropdown which appears in the image, the spot where you can determine the type of event.

State: Depending on if the record is an Incident or Problem, the dropdown, which GlobalSUITE provides, will be different
Hereafter it is shown the different statuses on which it’s possible to find an Incident.

In addition, if it’s a problem, GlobalSUITE® provides the following options for this specific case

Services: This field serves to associate the services which are affected by the Incident or the problem.
All the fields previously identified will appear in the information which the customer will receive in case the Incident or Problem has been communicated through the Customer Data and a ticket.
GlobalSUITE also allows you to define the following information for Indicidents & Problems:
Customer/Origin: In case the Incident or Problem has been opened from the Portal, this field will be completed automatically. If it’s opened manually, the solution allows you to establish the origin.
Contact: If it has been generated by the Customer Portal, the contact will correspond to the person in charge for generating the event. This field is changeable, and it’s possible to concretize other user which will proceed to inform about the status of the Incident or Problem.
All the fields previously identified they will appear in the information which will receive the client in case the Incidents & Problems have been communicated through the Customer Portal.
E-mail: It indicates the mail you can communicate the status of the request.
Alert changes: When you select this option, GlobalSUITE® will send the information about the changes of status and classifications realized
NOTE: In case an Emailing group has been created in the section 'Start up/Business Relations', GlobalSUITE allows you to send alerts to a specific group. For this task you have to select the company you want (it must be created in the section 'Start up/Business Relations') and determine if you wish to advice a contact or a group. In case you select the Group, the software offers the possibility for sending to the group that you want to notify the changes in the ticket.

Date of Ocurrence: GlobalSUITE allows you to define a different date with the end to separate the Incident or Problem has occurred before the register.
Entry of the Event: It allows you to determine and to leave a record how it has proceeded for communicating the event. This point does not appear automatically, but it is possible to insert it through the settings of GlobalSUITE.
GlobalSUITE provides the following options:

Impact: It allows you to establish a qualitative value for determining the level of damage which the Incident or Problem causes.
Urgency: It allows you to establish a qualitative value for determining the celerity which the incident or problem must be solved.
Priority: This value is generated automatically by GlobalSUITE, making the arithmetic mean of the values established in the fields Impact and Urgency.
In a complementary way to the registration of information, the solution also allows you the following options:
Involved areas: It allows you to determine which company areas are affected by the incident or problem.
Category: It allows you to determine the type of incident or problem.
This point does not appear automatically, but it is possible to insert it through the settings of GlobalSUITE
NOTE: The options provided by the Solution there are in the following image.

Subcategory: It allows you to assign a higher level of detail to the incident or problem.
This point does not appear automatically, but it is possible to insert it through the settings of GlobalSUITE
The options provided by the Solution there are in the following image
Category Help: It defines automatically according to the definition done in the settings, about the cause or vulnerability which have caused the incident or problem.
Event Agent:
Detected by: It allows you to design the person in charge to communicate or detect the event.
Involved item:
Recommendations: It allows you to establish the recommendations with the target to help in the resolution of the incident or problem.
References: In this field you can associate a specific URL associated with a name, with the end to be used for a correct or complete definition of the event.

For the rest of the cases, Global20000 allows you to complete the following options – for a suitable definition of the incident and problem:

Risks: In this field you can define the risks associated with the occurrence of the incident or problem.
Employees: It allows you to define the employees which will coordinate the treatment of the incidents or problems. It is necessary that these employees have been defined in the option Employees Management before.
Evidences: The solution allows you to attach any type of file. In case you don’t attach the documentation, it’s possible to carry out a description in the field ‘Evidences’.

Activation of Incidents Management Plans
This section allows you to identify (and to activate if you wish) the Incident Management Plans whose criteria for activation that is being treated.

In the upper part you view the Incident Management Plans that comply the criteria for activation (in case there are). in the lower part you can select the dimensions and associated levels for qualifying the impact of the incident. The list of dimensions and levels, which appear in the screen, correspond with the configuration performed in the option ‘Business Continuity’ of the ‘Administration’ menu.
If you want to activate any of the Incident Management Plans, you have to select the specific plan and click on the button ‘Activate’. This action notifies to all committee members of the Incident Management Plan which is activated.
Follow up
In this option starts the follow where you define the esta sección comienza la etapa de seguimiento, donde se define what guidelines and what actions have been established in order to solve the event occurred.

Response Time: It allows you to establish the time which has been necessary for solving the event.
Measures: These are the actions which have been necessary to start solving the incident or problem.
Restored Data: It allows you to determine the data which have been necessary for solving the incident or problem produced.
Procedures: It allows you to establish what procedures or instructions are necessary. These are determined and helped to solving this event.
Escalated: This option allows you to set a record if it has been necessary to escalate or not to escalate the incident or problem to other department or supervisor.
Follow-up: Within the option, you can identify any changes or modifications made in the event in question.
Any follow up, that it is registered, can be sent via email to all those people we consider necessary to inform. It’s necessary to specify the emails for using the option ‘Send E-mail’.
On the other hand, and in case it has been generated from the customer portal, the procedures will be to inform through this media, selecting the follow up that corresponds in the column ‘Portal’. Once it’s saved, the notice will be created.
Configuration items: It allows you to determine which Setting items have been affected by the incident or problem. In this field you can associate automatically specific settings items to the incident or problem.

It offers the possibility to visualize the items affected by the event or values previously defined in the risk analysis. The tasks, which can be done in this section, are:

Items: It allows you to select the item or items affected by the event.
Analysis: It allows you to select the analysis or several analysis where is valuated the specfic item.
NOTE: An item can be valuated in different risks analysis and with different valuations. Hence there is the need for indicating the risks analysis which we want to load.
Add Item: Once selected the item, you can insert it in the table.
Remove Item: It allows you to remove one or several items of the tablew. For this reason you have to select the row or rows yoyu want and click on the button 'Remove Item'.
Once selected the row of the desired item, the table, which is located at the bottom, allows the user to visualize or modify the values defined in the section 'Analysis/Risk Analysis'. GlobalSUITE stands out in red those valuations which have been modified.
NOTE: The platform allows you to simulate how the incident affects to the assest valuated in the section 'Risk Management/Projection & Simulation'
The actions, which can be done in the table,are:
Restore Threats: It allows you to restore the initial values of the table according to the Risks Analysis. Permite restaurar los valores iniciales de la tabla segun el Análisis de Riesgos realizado.
Once the event has been solved, GlobalSUITE allows you to define how you have proceeded to solve it.
Resolution: This field indicates the way of work which has allowed you to close the service request.
Resolution Time: It corresponds with the time needed to solve the event.
Closing date: It allows you to indicate the specific date and hour on which the incident or problem has been closed
Inputs & Outputs
The resolution takes in account the option that the incident or problem derives from a different event, or in contrary, it can be generated by the own event. For these specific cases, There are the following options:

Inputs: It allows you to determine if the incident or problem proceeds from other type of event and GlobalSUITE provides the following options:
Corrective action.
Preventive action.
Non conformity.
Service Request.
False positive.
Outputs: It allows you to determine if the incident or problem derives in other type of event and GlobalSUITE provides the options previously exposed for the input.
NOTE: In the previous image, the incident or problem has generated the opening of one corrective action which is generated automatically inside the tab ‘Management’ – option ‘Correctives & Preventives’.
There are a set of common options for the Inputs and Outputs:
Add: You have to select the type of event where proceeds or on which derives for including in the appropriate field. It generates the event in other option of GlobalSUITE, except the cases: Event & False Positive.
Remove: It remove any event which has been added before.
Associate existing ones: In case the event has been created before, this option allows you to look for the event in a way that you can allow you to associate the appropriate service request.