Loss Events
Loss Events can be generated manually or through the classification of the tickets which are opened when you define the typology of the Loss Event. In the main screen of ‘Loss Events’ GlobalSUITE displays all those events that are 'Opened' and 'Under investigation', as well as the following options:

New: It allows you to generate Loss Events
Remove: It allows you to remove Loss Events.
Copy: This option allows you to copy Loss Events which have been defined before.
Show: When you use GlobalSUITE® as data base, in this option you can select if GlobalSUITE® shows the Loss Events that are open or all of them. You can do it through the dropdown menu, as well as you can filter by employees who have assigned the Loss Event.

Download: It allows you to download Loss Events that can be shown (depending on the filters you have set) in Excel or in PDF
Show graphs: It offers different graphs based on data from the logs of Loss Events. The following graphic shows:
Events Status: It allows you to display the number of loss events that are in each state. If you are located on the graph, you can view the number of each state.
Registered Events: It allows you to display in the same graph the number of Loss events per each month, those events are still open or already closed.
Event type: It allows to display the percentage of recorded Loss Events that have been classified in each of the "Event type". Standing on the graph, you can view the number of each state.
Event type: It allows to visualize the number of Loss Events that have been registered in each month and according to have been classified by "Event type".
Business Lines: It allows you to display the number of Loss Events which have been registered for each one of the ‘Business Lines’.Standing on the graph, you can view the number of each state
Business lines: It allows you to display the number of Loss Events which have been registered for each month and according the classification by ‘Business Lines’.
Total Number of Events By Character Event: It allows you to display the number of Loss Events which have been registered and classified in each one of the types defined as ‘Character of the Business’
Character of the event: It allows you to display the number of Loss Events which have been registered for each month and according to the classification of ‘Character of the Event’.
Total Losses by Event Type (Level 1) per month: It allows you to display the total losses of the Loss Events for each month and as they have been classified by "Event type (Level 1)".
Comparison of Losses/Recoveries/Insurances: It allows you to display the total volumen of Losses, Recoveries and insurance of Loss Events for each month.

In the legend of each graph you can unmark some of the information being displayed in order to customize the view of the graph. For example, if the graph of "Comparison of Losses / Recoveries / Insurances" you want only to display Losses and Recoveries, you have to click on the legend "Recoveries by Insurance" and GlobalSUITE will no longer display the graph with that information. If you want to reappear on the graph the value of the "Recoveries by Insurance", you will need to click on this type in the legend of the graph.
All graphics can be printed directly or downloaded by clicking on the 3 stripes symbol that appears on the top right of each graph. The available formats are PNG, JPEG, PDF and SVG vector.