Surveys of Items, Risk and Controls
Survey actions
In the case of surveys of Items, Risk and Controls, GlobalSUITE lets you set the following parameters (fields and tables in this form depend on the survey type selected in the sample survey):
Survey scheduling: This section allows you to schedule the creation and launch of Elements, Risks and Controls surveys periodically. As main characteristics:
- Sending can be planned to be done through a publication (anonymously using a unique link) or internally, for which the recipient will need a user with privileges to complete the survey.
- The surveys will be launched based on the programmed frequency, which may be Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-annual or Annually.
- This automatic launch is compatible with manually creating surveys, since the next sending date is obtained from the last survey launched.
- The fields available in this section are:Automatic: Allows you to enable or disable the automatic launch of surveys
Shipping Type: You have two options
External link: A post will be created (and activated) for the recipient to access anonymously.
Internal access: An internal survey will be created that will be accessible by user, in the Survey Management option
Frequency: Indicates the frequency with which the survey will be launched. It may be monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annual.
Start date: In the case of a configuration from which no survey has been launched, it will indicate the reference date from which the launch will be scheduled)
Last Submitted Date: Indicates the most recent release date of a survey for this configuration (if no survey exists, it will appear empty)
Next sending date: Calculate the expected launch of the next survey, based on the indicated frequency

Recipients: If the Survey Model does not have statuses configured (in which case the person responsible for each status must be defined), it is possible to define which people, selected from Employees, will receive the survey that is created from this configuration. If more than one recipient is included, a separate survey will be created for each of them.
When you press the "Add" button, a window opens with the list of employees in the system, allowing you to select those you want to join.

Risk Analysis: allows you to select the risk analysis on which the survey will be carried out. The risk analyzes are configured in the 'Analysis / Risk Analysis' option.
Catalog Risks: Displays the risk catalogs included in the selected analysis. These catalogs will be the ones that will be able to recover risks in the survey.
Elements: It allows establishing the specific elements on which the survey will be carried out.
Risks: allows you to select the specific risks of the elements on which the survey will move. This table shows the risks that already exist for the selected elements.
Controls: It allows defining the specific controls on which the survey is run. Depending on whether the type of survey controls are evaluated in general, by risk, by element, the total list of controls of the analysis, the controls of the selected risk, or a tree of controls by element, respectively, is shown.

In case the survey is of the "Element-Controls Survey (Methodology By Element)" and the Include Evidence check is ticked, at the end an Evidence table will appear to select the ones that you want to include in the survey, which It is done by marking them in the table itself.
They can also be included automatically depending on the controls to be evaluated (see table above). To do this, pressing the button "Include Evidence Controls" will mark all the evidence that is associated with the controls to be evaluated.
Documentation: In the Survey configuration, it is possible to upload files and documents with help, guides or a detailed explanation, which will be sent by email to the recipients of the surveys when they are launched, in addition to being available in the survey itself for consultation.