Configure surveys
This section allows the user to define the survey general sections and establish the business process that is associated with the Survey (impact, time, quantitative impact) or determine items and threats which will be included in the following type surveys: Items and Risks.
When you accede to ‘Surveys’, it appears a table that offers the following information:
Name: It indicates the name of the conducted survey.
Date: It shows the date on which the survey has been conducted.
Activated: It allows you to view if the survey is activated and available for the users.
Type: It indicates the type of the survey.
Model: It indicates the model on which the survey is based.
Applied: It offers the possibility of viewing if the survey has been generated in the section 'Surveys Management'.
These are the options which the user can perform in the table:
Type: It allows the user to define the survey type (Impact, Time, Quantitative Impact, Risks and Items or Employees).
Models: It allows you to select the model of the survey on the dropdown menu. These models, which are shown, has been created in ‘Administration/Surveys Management’.
New: Once selected the model when you click on the button, a new entry in the survey table is generated.
Remove: It allows you to remove a survey of the table. For this task you have to select the row and click on the button ‘Remove’.
Download: It offers the possibility of downloading the surveys list in editable format (.xlsx) or in PDF format.
When accessing an item of the table (configuration of a survey), GlobalSUITE allows you to define the following parameters for any type of survey:

Name: It allows you to identify the survey name. This name will be displayed on the initial survey list.
Type: It provides you the survey typology.
Model: It allows you to view the survey model.
Date: It defines the creation date of the survey.
Block Monitoring: If this indicator is checked, monitoring is blocked, and new follow up can not be created, modified or removed in the table.
Comments: This field allows you to include information or instructions for completing the survey, which the survey recipients will receive.
Available: It allows you to display the survey on the Customer Portal.
If the selected survey model has configured states, the survey configuration displays a section called "Statuses" that contains a table with the configured status and the employees assigned to each status as supervisor. Therefore this table allows you to assign an employee to be the supervisor for each status of the survey, so that depending on the status of the survey, the platform will assign the employee as the supervisor.

The assignment of a supervisor to each state is done by selecting a status of the table by clicking on the button "Associate Supervisor". When you perform this action, a pop up window is displayed that contains all employees of the organization allowing the selection of one of them when you click on the button "Associate Employees" to assign it.