Work Execution
When a work is changed to the "Ongoing" state, a copy of the information and evaluation of the elements included in it is made. A confirmation message appears stating: "A capture of the data from the analysis of the audit will be carried out, this process may take a long time. Do you want to continue?"

At the end of the copy of the information, the options of the top menu of "Work Execution" and "Work Report" appear in the work form.
In this view, a first table appears with the elements included in the work, and the dimensions configured in the audit methodology to evaluate the elements.
When an element is selected, the risks identified in the analysis for that element are loaded in the table below.
The risk assessment dimensions are shown as configured in the audit methodology, which may include the original dimensions and the modifications or proposed changes during the execution of the audited work.
If a risk is selected, the controls applied to that risk will be shown in the table below, as well as the valuation dimensions, which may suggest changes.
Risks and modified controls at work will be marked in yellow to identify them.
Through the "Calculate" button available in the risk table, all automatic dimensions will be updated based on the values entered. And using the "See Evidence" button, you can consult the evidence associated with controls in the Controls Management section.
Next, a section is available to incorporate the Work Papers used during the execution of the same. Through the "Add" and "Remove" buttons, you can add and delete them. For each record, it is possible to attach a file to add it to the record or download it if it was already attached.
It is also possible, through the button "Associate Register", to link each work paper to the element, risk or audited control to bring the traceability of it.
By default, all the audit work papers are shown, however, when selecting an item or a risk, the table is filtered to show only the associated ones. If you want to show all again, you must click on the button at the top of the "Show All" view.

In this last section of this Work Execution view, you can also generate tickets to deal with the identified findings, if necessary. En este último apartado de esta vista de Ejecución del trabajo, se pueden también generar tickets para tratar los hallazgos identificados, en caso de ser necesario.
Add: It allows you to register a ticket directly associated with the job.
Disassociate: With this button, you can remove the relationship of the ticket with the current job.
Associate existing ones: It allows you to select a ticket already created in the corresponding option and link it to the job.
Associate Processes: It allows associating processes from the scope of work to the ticket. For this, the ticket must have a field of type PROCESSES
Associate Services: It allows associating services from the scope of work to the ticket.
Associate Risks: Allows you to associate risks from the audit work to the ticket. For this, you must have configured a THREATS type field

The visibility of tickets, by default shows all those associated with the audit job, but if an item or risk is selected, the table is filtered to show only those associated with that record. If you want to show all again, you must click on the button at the top of the "Show All" view.
It is possible to extract all the information of the audit job execution, through the "Download" button, available at the top of the view: