Control & Overview

This section offers to the user an overview of all the recovery plans, sequences, etc which are associated with the task. Moreover, it’s possible to establish the specific conclusions about the task.
This option is divided in the following menus:
Main indicators
This section shows a set of graphs which shows the tasks and the sequences associated with the task, and it stands out if the task has been completed in the deadline limit.

More Indicators
This section shows a set of graphs which shows the recovery plans associated with the task, and it stands out if the task has been completed in the deadline limit.

General Data
General Data shows information summary of the testing program, and it stands out the start date scheduled and the current date, as well as the total duration of the test, the completion date, etc.

This section shows an overview of those follows up which has been defined according to the test selected. GlobalSUITE allows the user to download the list of follows up in editable format (.xlsx) or in PDF.

Recovery Plans
This section shows a list of those recovery plans which have been associated with the test and it stands out each RTO of them.

Clicking on the button ‘Control Panel’, the platform offers the possibility of viewing graphically a summary about the test progress, recovery plans and estimated time until the end of the tasks.

Control Points
‘Control Points’ shows an overview of the control points associated with the test, and stands out its state and if there was a delay on them.

This section shows an overview of the sequences associated with the test. It allows the user to know the percentage progress of each one of them, scheduled completion date, delay or estimated completion date.

This section allows the user to establish the conclusions after the implementation of the test. In case the user is not agreed with the results, GlobalSUITE allows the user to establish the corrective actions which it needs. For this task, the user has to select one ticket of the dropdown menu and to click on the button ‘Add’.