Crisis Management Configuration
In this option you will find different tables and fields to configure specific Crisis Management features.
Affected Area Criterion: By Checking this field GlobalSUITE enables the occurrence of the "Affected Area” criterion in the list of activation criteria in the Crisis Management Plans.
Service Criterion: By Checking this field GlobalSUITE enables the occurrence of the "Service” criterion in the list of activation criteria in the Crisis Management Plans
Priority Criterion: By Checking this field GlobalSUITE enables the occurrence of the "Priority” criterion in the list of activation criteria in the Crisis Management Plans.

This section allows to define the different impacts that a crisis could have. These levels are used in Crisis Management Plans and Crisis Management. It is possible to assign the name and description in both Spanish and English.

Crisis levels
This section allows to define the levels that a crisis could have. These levels are used in Crisis Management Plans and in the Crisis Management. It is possible to assign the name and description in both Spanish and English, the order and the color.

These are the options that the section allows:
Add: It allows you to insert a new entry in the table.
Remove: It allows you to delete table levels. To do this, select the desired row and click on the 'Remove' button
Move up: It offers the possibility to move up the position in which the level will be displayed in the list.
Move down: It offers the possibility to move down the position in which the level will be displayed in the list.
Change color: It allows you to change the color for standing out the level.
Crisis levels by Impact
This section allows to define the mapping between Impacts and Levels previously defined.

Status: Disruptive Events & Resolutive Actions
This section allows defining states of Disruptive Events and the Resolutive Actions to be used in the Crisis Management option. It is possible to assign the name in both Spanish and English.
Final Status: It indicates whether a status should be considered as final.

Display Assets in Crisis Management:
Checking this field enables the appearance of a table to associate Assets in the Crisis Management and in Crisis Management Plans.

Impact Dimensions in the Incidents
This section allows you to define a list of impact dimensions for the incidents, and you can use these dimensions for determining if it’s necessary to activate the Incident Management Plan which has been defined.

In the upper table you can define the dimensions you want to use for categorizing the impact of the incidents. Selecting the specific dimension in the lower table you can add the associated levels to each dimension that corresponds to the values you can use for categorizing the impact. The button ‘Move up’ and ‘Move down’ allows you to order the levels of the selected dimension.