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Standards Configuration

In this section you can configure which rules, standards or regulations are going to be managed in the system.

  • Manual configuration of the rules: This field allows that, when activated, the rules are configured from the table below. If they are deactivated, they cannot be configured.

  • Reference standards: It is the list of standards that can be configured to be used in other sections of the tool, such as Scope or Audits.

    • New: Allows you to enter a new record in the table

    • Delete: Allows you to delete the selected rules

    • Change URL: Allows you to modify the URL field, which must have a specific web address structure.

The fields in this table are:

  • Name / Code: It is the main field of the regulation.

  • Title: Allows you to indicate a more extensive description or name of the standard

  • Publication: It is used to indicate the period in which the standard was published

  • URL: It allows to indicate an address or link of the standard

  • Active: It is used to indicate which rules are active or not.

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