Individual BIAs
BIA Information

Name: It refers to a descriptive name of the BIA which it will be shown in the start up table.
Date: It enables you to establish the completion date of the BIA
Supervisor: It allows you to identify the supervisor for carrying out the BIA.
Departament: It identifies the department or departments implied in the realization and evaluation of the BIA.
Conclusions: It allows you to identify the conclusions related to the results that have been obtained in the impact analysis when you click on the button ‘Add’. In case you want to remove a conclusion, you have to select the row and rows and click on the button ‘Remove’.
Table of Impacts
It allows you to assess on a particular process how the different impacts affect it in a time scale Depending on how you have defined the types of impact in the menu: 'Administration / Business Continuity' section, it will display several tables to assess the qualitative impacts (by impact level):

Or the quantitative impacts (by inserting numerical values):

These tables allows you to assess the impact of the interruption of the process in a common situation. It can also be added the tables for assessing the impact in a critical period for the business, if this assessment differs. For each table of impact is obtained a criticality value of the process according to the assessment you have inserted in the table and the criterion defined (Accumulated, Maximum, Minimum, Average, Weighted Average) in the section ‘Administration/Business Continuity’. For this table (Qualitative impact), it also obtains a level of criticality therefrom, and according to the scale set.

It allows you to view graphically the values inserted in the table of impacts. These are the options:
Show Specific Impacts: It enables you to view globally each one of the impact valuations realized in the previous section.
Show High Impact: It allows you to view the level of maximum impact for each time scale.
Show MTPD: It allows you to view the Maximum Tolerable Period of Disruption (MTPD). The MTPD calculation is developed in the following section:
If the user wants to view a specific chart, it can select its visualization in the table below the graph.

MTPD calculation

This section allows the following options to calculate and define the MTPD:
MTPD Calculation: It allows you to establish if the MTPD calculation will be carried out manually or automatically.
Calculation of the selection:In function of the 'MTPD type' previously selected, you can calculate the MTPD.
Manual: The user that is in charge of the management, it has to set the numeric value and maximum time of the interruption.
Automatic: GlobalSUITE calculates automatically the MTPD according to the following criteria:
First Impact: It establishes the MTPD when the first level of impact that has been found it matches with the scale defined by the user (Very High – Very Low).
First impact of average: It establishes the MTPD when the average of impacts matches with the scale defined by the user (Very High – Very low)
First type of impact: It establishes the MTPD when the first level of impact matches with the scale defined by the user (very high – very low).
Once it has been defined all the criteria, you have to click on the button ‘Obtain MTPD’ and the platform calculates the value automatically.

MTPD: It shows the maximum tolerable period of disruption of the service evaluated.
Minimum level of operation: It allows you to identify the minimum resources needed for providing the service.
Confidence Grade in the measure: It enables you to indicate the trust grade of the user with respect to the MTPD.
Necessary Resources

This section allows the user to disaggregate fully the resources needed for the business process can be provided undisturbed
For adding a new entry you have to click on the button ‘Add’ and to modify each one of the cells of the table. In case you want to remove one or several resources defined, you have to select the row or rows that you want to remove and click on the button ‘Remove’.
Resumption of the regular levels of operation

Resumption term: It allows you to establish the maximum time on which the company must come back to normality.
Justification: It allows you to write any note which justifies the time defined in the previous point
Inventory valuation
This section allows the user to valuate the proccess according to the dimensions defined in the section 'Administration/Analysis Methodologies'.

Customizable Questions

In BIA form will display the questions configured in the section of 'Configuration/Business Continuity'. These questions can be of different types: 'Text', 'Select', 'Table' or 'Table of Assets'. In the 'Table' questions you can add records by clicking on the 'New' button and with the 'Remove' button delete the ones you want, besides you can edit each one of the fields by double clicking. For 'Asset table' questions you can include assets of the Item Inventory (Analysis/ Inventory) with the 'Relate Assets' button. When you click on it, a pop-up window is displayed where the list of assets appears with the categories configured for the question, allowing the selection of those assets that you want to add to the question, and adding them through the 'Associate Assets' button.

If the process is in the Dependency tree with related assets, the asset table displays by default the assets that are associated in the dependency tree. If, on the other hand, the process is not found in the dependency tree, the asset table shows all items of the inventory. Regardless of the assets shown in the initial load, the 'Show' button allows you to display all the items (Show All) or only the items associated with the process (By Process). You can also add new items by clicking the ‘Create Asset’ button. These assets will be displayed in red to indicate that they are not assets from the inventory. For all the assets included in the question 'Asset table', it is possible to specify the instant of recovery in case of disaster, using the fields 'RTO value' and 'RTO unit', in addition you can add comment for each item.