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GlobalSuite® Information Security

Controlling threats makes you stronger
We automate and optimise threat management, keeping everything under control in a quick and safe way. As efficient as it gets

What does GlobalSuite® Information Security allow you to do?

With GlobalSuite® Information Security you will be able to optimise the management of your Security and Cybersecurity System, leaving behind manual methods that reduce effectiveness:

  • Your team will focus on controlling threats and risks.

  • Your company’s assets and information will maintain their integrity, availability and confidentiality, fully guaranteed.

  • You will be able to establish and operate traceability, a continuous monitoring and improve processes.

  • You will be able to ensure compliance with the applicable regulations on Security within the organisation.

  • Security within the organisation

Main features


• Monitoring and assessment of assets.
• Risk analysis adaptable to any methodology.
• Risk assessment, maps and automatic dashboards.
• Treatment and risk management plan with workflows.
• Identification of threats and vulnerabilities.
• Elements, assets, risks and controls questionnaires.
• KRIs definition and monitoring.
• Unlimited historical data.


• Statement of Applicability.
• Catalogues with pre-loaded regulations.
• Gap Analysis.
• Automatic adaptation plan with workflow.
• Comparisons between periods.
• Compliance historical data. Continuity, Incident & PDCA Management
• Customisable incident management with workflows.
• Risk management in real time.
• Continuity, capacity and availability plans.
• Continuity testing scheduling.
• Management of non-conformities and corrective/preventive actions.
• Supplier assessment.
• SLA Management.

Reporting, Dashboards &Document Management

• Configurable metrics and indicators.
• KPIs and business objectives.
• Document management with document life cycle and workflows.
• Unlimited report templates.
• Specific reports on each functionality

Three levels of licensing and different capacities to adapt ourselves to each company and type of business. We train your business to anticipate any change.

And the best part: it’s a turn-key Solution

GlobalSuite® Information Security has a series of pre-set solutions for frameworks at both global, regional and local level.
You will be able to start working from day one, without needing to invest time loading compliance, risk and controls catalogues or methodologies. Everything is set up to optimise time and to allow you
to focus on what’s most important: your goals and processes. Regulations, standards and methodologies that can be managed with the software:

(tic) ISO 27001

(tic) ISO 28000

(tic) PCI-DSS

(tic) ENISA

(tic) ENS

(tic) NIST

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