View Risk List
When you select the Risk Analysis of the Initial table you accede to the following information:

The section ‘Graph’ shows the specific graphs of the analysis you have selected and it indicates:
Risk of the Items: It shows the number of risks obtained by levels (Very high, High, etc.)
Risk regard to ARL: It shows the number of risks which overcome the ARL (Acceptable Risk Level) and those risks that don’t overcome the ARL.
On the other hand, it shows the list of items and threats which have been analyzed:

Item: It indicates the name of the item which has been assessed.
Threat: It indicates the name of the threat valued and the associated item.
Grouped risk: It shows the risk list which has been defined in the section ‘Administration/Analysis Catalog’.
Risk: It indicates the risk value which has been obtained according to the valuations performed in the section ‘Analysis/Risk Analysis’. This value can be qualitative or quantitative depending on the valuation defined in the section 'Administration/Analysis Methodologies' for the risk dimension.
GlobalSUITE allows you to perform the following actions for a better management of the table.
Hide Charts: It allows the user to hide the graphs of the previous section.
Completion Date: It allows the user to define the date on which the Risk Analysis & Risk Assessment has finished.
Show: It allows you to filter the list of assets and it will show solely those assets which are above the ARL or show the list with all the assets and risk assessed.
NOTE: The filter of threats by percentage only shows the percentage of the threats defined (from the most critical to the the highest established percentage).
View of: It allows you to filter the view of the risk by item or by risk.
If the risk option is selected, all the risks will not be displayed on the graph, since only the first level are shown. If you want to display more risks, you will have to select the button "Select group" where you can see the whole tree.

If the Items option is selected, two new filters have been added in the "Supervisor" and "Group of Risk" columns so that it can be filtered directly by these two fields.

Download: It allows you to download the list of assets/risks in an editable format (.xlsx) or in PDF format. This option also allows you to download a specific report in xls format that contains the consolidated values of each one of the risk categories of the company for each of their services/products. The quantitatives values of the risk dimension and the dimensions for calculating the risks in the methodology (probability and impact) are calculated by using the calculation called "Risk Calculation by Grouped Risks" which has been configured in the section: "Risk Analysis - General Information".
Dimensions: It allows you to filter the information of the Risk assessment when the "View of" button and the "Risks" option have been previously clicked on, otherwise the "Dimensions" button will not be available. The filter is carried out on the dimensions of the methodology. Once the desired dimension has been clicked on, the information of the graph and the table is updated.