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This option allows the user to define, catalog and assess the different data processing of the organization that you want to register.

The processing table allows you to perform the following actions:

  • New: It allows you to insert a new processing in the table. This new assest will be displayed in the 'Inventory' option, with the category defined as 'Processing' in Administration.

  • Remove: It allows you to remove a processing of the table, you have to select the row or rows and click on the 'Remove' button. When you remove a Processing, it's also removed in the 'Inventory' option.

  • Copy: It allows you to copy a processing from the table by selecting the desired row or rows and clicking on the 'Copy' button. When you carry out this option, the processing is also included in the 'Inventory' option.

  • Options - Import: GlobalSUITE makes it possible to import processing lists in Excel format. In the 'Download' button there is a file model with the fields that can be imported in the Processing table. By clicking on this option you can view the fields that are going to be imported, the only mandatory data is the name of the item, the rest of the data can be included or not in the importation. The selection of the file is done through the button 'Select file' and by clicking on the button 'Continue'.

  • Download (RAT report): It allows you to download the RAT (Processing Activities Record) report in WORD format, from the Processing that have been selected in the table. This report contains information about the risks and controls related to the processing in risk analysis, as well as the items that are related to it in the dependency tree. This option also allows you to download a file model to import processing.

By clicking on the processing link, the fields of the processing file are displayed and you can fill the following fields:

  • Name: Define the name of the asset.

  • Controller: Identify the controller within the organization. This controller can be selected from the set of Employees (view section in the Management tab).

  • Other controller: Identify other controller in the organization, you can define textually.

  • Other fields: You can then fill in all the dimensions or fields that have been configured for the processing record. The tool displays those dimensions that have been defined in the section 'Administration/Analysis Methodologies'.

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