Items table
The item table allows you to value a set of characteristics or attributes which make valuable an item, it is also called dimensions.

This table allows you to carry out the following actions:
Filter Services: It allows you to do a filter of the items, you can select among showing the list with all the items or showing the assets individually.
New: It allows you to insert a new item in the table. This new item will be shown in the tab ‘Dependencies Tree’.
Remove: It allows you to remove an item of the table, you have to select a row or rows and click on the button ‘Remove’. When you remove an item, the tab of the Dependencies Tree is removed.
Options - Import: GlobalSUITE® allows to import item lists in Excel format through an additional license. In the 'Download' button there is a file model with the fields that can be imported into the elements table. It is possible to load and update records, including the dependencies between elements, or their evaluation. The only mandatory data is the element name, the rest of the data may or may not be included in the import The file selection is made through the 'Select file' button and click on the 'Continue' button.
Options - Calculate Accumulated Dimensions: It allows you to recalculate the accumulated dimensions which are defined according to the dependencies established among the items of the dependencies tree.
Options - Calculate Risk Analysis: You can carry out the calculation of all valuations and modifications which have been performed on the risk analysis. If there is a modification on the methodology of the risk analysis, this option will allows you to calculate the new values applying the new methodology.
Options - Properties: You can extend the attributes of the item which you have selected.
Options - Relate CIs: It allows you to relate the configuration items which are identified in the CMDB with the items included in the Item inventory. An item can be formed by more than one configuration item of the CMDB.

The associations among item and configuration items are performed through the action ‘Drag and Drop’, selecting a configuration item located in the right table and dropping the item on the left table. If you want to remove an association, you have to select an item (second level) and dragging it to the right table.
Options - Survey Results: It allows you to accede to a window on which you can consult and manage the results obtained in the surveys of the items. This option is fully detailed in the following section, after all the options of the item table.
Options - General Assessment: It allows you to access to a table for performing the general valuation of all items which belong to the same category. The description of this option is detailed in the section 5.3.2 (after the explination of the survey results screenshot).
Download: It allows the download of the inventory of elements and their attributes to an editable file (.xlsx). This option also allows you to download a file model to carry out the import of elements if this functionality is activated.
Depending on the volume of information in the Inventory, it may be downloaded in a single .xslx file or in several.
Starting Date: You can identify the creation date of the Item Inventory.
The information of the table is customizable, and you can define these fields:
Item: It indicates the name of the item. For modifying the name you have to click twice on the cell. This modification is kept in the tab ‘Dependencies Tree’.
Units: It shows the number of units of the item.
Category: It indicates the category or subcategory which the item belongs. For defining the category or subcategory you have to click twice on the cell and select the specific category in the drop down menu.

The platform allows the following options:
Associate: It allows you to associate a category/subcategory to the item when you select a row and clicking on the button 'Associate'.
Disassociate: It offers the possibility of removing a category/subcategory of an asset when you select a row and clicking on the button 'Disassociate'.
Expand: It expands the list of categories/subcategories.
Collapse: It collapses the list of categories/subcategories.
Owner: It allows you to indicate the resource of the company in charge of the final management of the item.
Supervisor: It allows you to indicate the resources of the Company on which the item is responsible
Dimensions: There are characteristics or attributes which make valuable an item. GlobalSUITE shows those dimensions which have been defined in the section ‘Administration/Analysis Methodologies’.
NOTE: According to the methodology, the calculation of dimensions can be quantitative or qualitative.
In relation to the established dimensions, GlobalSUITE offers useful information in establishing valuations according to the dimension.

The following information is provided:
Help: This option only provides value in ‘Analysis/Risk Analysis’, because it contributes with an additional help for valuating threats which it expands the threat description.
Dimension: It allows you to select the required dimension in the drop down menu.
Level: With regard to the selected dimension, this option offers the possibility of selecting the associated levels on which they are defined in the section ‘Administration/Analysis Methodologies’.
Description: According to the dimension and the level selected in the previous sections, the platform reports the user of the established criteria in the selected level. The description can be parameterized in the option ‘Administration/Risk Analysis Methodologies’.

NOTE: The description of dimensions can be also viewed if you click on the desired cell of the asset inventory, the platform will show the specific description according to the dimension and associated level.
Accumulated dimensions: The platform shows those accumulated dimensions which have been defined in the section 'Administration/Analysis Methodologies'.

Survey results
The current option allows you to view the valuation of the assets which have been performed in the different surveys (Assets and Risks). You have to select an asset of the table for accessing to this option.

Once you have accessed to the option, it appears the following table:
Threat: It indicates the name of the threat.
Vulnerability: It indicates the vulnerability associated with the threat.
Comment: You can add any comment about the analysis of the threat in this field.
NOTE: The previous columns can be considered according to the columns proposed by default. The columns are configurable in the methodology of risk analysis.
Dimensions: It displays the value registered in each one of dimensions or variable which have been considered in the risk analysis.
These options are allowed in the platform:
Add New: It allows you to insert new threats which have been identified in the risk analysis of the asset. New threats are shown in green, and the platform allows you to select what threats you have to add and what threats you don’t have to.

Consolidate: It allows the consolidation of the different assessment performed on the same threat in different surveys, you can use several options of consolidations: Maximum (higher valuation), Minimum (lower valuation) and Arithmetic mean (the average of different valuations). This option modifies the valuations of threats of the asset
Back: It allows you to return to the list of assets of the risk analysis.
Download: You can download the information of the surveys in an editable format (.xlsx) or in PDF format.
Assets General Assessment
This option allows you to perform the dimensions assessment of the assets to its category level and you can apply the assessment to all assets of the specific category or to the assets without assessment.

Once you have accessed to the option, GlobalSUITE shows a table that contains the categories and subcategories defined for the organization. This table also contains each one of the dimensions configured for the asset inventory, so that it can perform the assessment of each one of the categories identically to how an assessment of an individual asset is performed.

These are the options which are included on the table:
Apply - Children Categories: This option allows you to apply the dimensions to the selected categories which have associated to the subcategories. For this task, you have to select the categories that your company want to apply (through the check located on the left side) and click on the button.
Apply - All assets: This option allows you to apply the dimensions assessment of the selected categories to all assets of the inventory that have those categories. For this task, you have to select the categories that your company want to apply (through the check located on the left side) and click on the button. GlobalSUITE will display a confirmation window and the user will decide if it wants to generates a record of the asset inventory before the application of the new assessment.
Apply - All assests without assessment: This option allows the user to apply the dimensions assessment of the selected categories of the asset inventory which have those categories and there are not assessed. For this task, you have to select the categories that your company want to apply (through the check located on the left side) and click on the button. GlobalSUITE will display a confirmation window and the user will decide if it wants to generate a record of the asset inventory before the application of the new assessment.
Expand: This option allows you to expand all categories of assets for displaying the related subcategories.
Collapse: This option allows you to collapse the category tree and the subcategories, it only displays the categories of assets.
Back: This button allows you to return to the asset inventory screen.