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Follow up of the treatment plan

The option allows you to carry out a follow up of the grade of implementation of the controls defined in the section which have been defined in the previous point.

The option of the treatment plan monitoring displays a table that allows to view the list of controls that are part of the treatment plan, which were defined in the previous point (Risk management planning).

Actions of a control

By expanding a control, information about the actions of the treatment plan is displayed,

  • Name: It identifies the name of the control and actions associated with the control.

  • State: It allows you to define implementation grade of the action. For this task you have to click twice on the cell and select the specific option in the drop down menu.

NOTE: These types of status can be defined in the section ‘Administration’.

  • Progress: It graphically the grade of implementation of the control. The progress bar depends on the states defined in the previous column.

  • Term: It allows you to define the end date of the control or the associated action.

  • Description: You can add any additional annotation about the desired action.

  • Supervisor: It identifies the person responsible within the organization to verify the performance of an action within the defined period. This supervisor can be selected from the set of Employees (view section in the Management tab).

  • Other supervisor: It identifies the person in charge within the organization to verify the performance of an action within the defined term, being able to define it in a textual manner.

When selecting/clicking on a control, the detailed form defined in the previous point of 'Risk management planning' is shown. The form can not be modified from this option.

These are the actions you can carry out on the table:

  • Download: You can download the list of controls in an editable format (.docx) when you click on the button ‘Download’.

  • Implement Completed Controls: It allows the user, once the control is 100% implemented, remove the associated controls from the list of the treatment plan and include them in the list of controls already implemented, within the option 'Analysis/Controls Management'.

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