Recovery Sequences
In the main table displayed when you access to this option, GlobalSUITE shows the list of all the Recovery Sequences generated for the treatment and recovery in a crisis situation. Each of the Sequences that appear in the table correspond to Recovery Sequences defined as "public" which can therefore be associated with one or more Recovery Plans.
The Recovery sequences defined as "private" belong only to a Recovery Plan, so they are accessible from the Plan in which they are associated.

The options that can be made on the table are as follows:
New: It allows to generate a new Recovery Sequence.
Remove: It allows you to remove an existing Sequence in the table. To do this, select the row where the Sequence is located and click on the Remove button.
Copy: It allows you to copy a Sequence. To do this, select the row where the Sequence is located and click on the ‘Copy’ button.
Download: It allows you to download the list of all the Recovery Sequences displayed in the table, in both Excel and PDF format.
When entering a recovery sequence, a form is displayed with two sections and contains the following features:

Sequence Data
ID: Identification number of the Recovery Sequence. The number is assigned automatically and it cannot be modified by the user.
Name: It indicates the name of the Recovery Sequence.
Description: it allows you to perform a detailed description of the Sequence.
Public: It allows you to configure whether the Recovery Sequence is available for any Recovery Plan. If the check is unmarked, the Sequence will only be available in the Recovery Plans where it is already associated.
Assets: This table allows you to associate assets registered in the 'Inventory' option (menu 'Analysis') to the Recovery Sequence. The information displayed for each asset is the name, category and the supervisor assigned.
NOTE: The visibility of this table in the Recovery Sequences is configurable in the option called "Business Continuity" located in Administration menu. By default, the Assets table is disabled.
NOTE 2: The Assets table is only visible in Private Recovery Sequences (ie, Sequences that only belong to a Recovery Plan). Therefore, if the Sequence has the 'Public' check marked, the Assets table does not appear.

These are the options that can be performed in the table:
Associate - List: When you Click this button GlobalSUITE displays a pop-up window that contains the list of all the assets registered in the Inventory. To associate the assets with the Recovery Plan, you have to select the desired assets through the check on the left and click on the 'Associate' button.
Associate – Dependency tree: When you Click this button GlobalSUITE displays a pop-up window that contains the asset dependency tree. The assets that appear are those that are associated with the business processes included in the Recovery Plan. To associate the assets with the Plan, you have to select the desired assets through the check to the left of the asset and click on the 'Select Assets' button. The 'Mark Dependents' button located in the window allows you to automatically select all the assets that are below the selected asset in the dependency tree.
Remove: This button allows you to delete assets from the table. To do this, select the assets that you want to delete and click on the Remove button.
View information: This option allows you to view the properties of a specific asset. To do this, you have to select an asset from the table and click on the button, with a popup window containing all the characteristics of the asset registered in the Inventory.
This section allows the user to establish the steps for achieving the recovery in the event of a crisis, as well as the periods or terms for developing the specific task and the coordinator of the implementation.

GlobalSUITE provides the following options for generating tasks and sub-tasks.
New: It allows the user to generate a new task.
Remove: IT allows the user to remove a task previously generated.
Copy Tasks: It generates a copy of a one task previously generated.
If the user clicks on the link of the task, GlobalSUITE will deploy a new screen where the user has available the following options:
Task Data

Name: It allows the usert to determine the name of the task.
Description: This field serves to add more information to the task.
Deadline: It establishes the time limit for implementing the task.
Type: It offers the possibility of defining the type of task which will be performed.
The user determines through different levels which are the roles and coordinators of managing each one of the tasks.

These are the steps for defining the roles and coordinators of that management:
By default there are three different levels which are in charge of carrying out the management of the task
For assigning specific roles, It’s necessary to select the level which corresponds and the role in charge of the task in the dropdown menu.
Once assigned the role, the user must proceed to associate the coordinators of the management and the role.
These levels are established for determining the staff in charge of the implementation of each one of the tasks of the Recovery Plan.
The order of management is established by the levels, and the first level is in charge of managing initially. In case the first level doesn’t have the availability for dealing with the recovery, the second level would be the coordinator. In case none of them are available, the third level (the last one) will manage the recovery.
Consolidated Resources
This option allows the user to associate those consolidated resources which have been resulted by the establishment of the BIA. For this task, you have to click on the button ‘Associate’ and select the checkbox of those resources which will be part of the recovery plan. In case the user wants to remove an entry of the table, it has to select the row and to click on the button ‘Remove’.
Attached Files
It allows the user to associate any documentation which has relation with the recovery plan. For this task, the user has to click on the button ‘Attach’ and to select the file. In case it wants to remove a file, it has to select the file and to click on the button ‘Remove’. Finally, if the user clicks on the button ‘Download’, GlobalSUITE offers the possibility of downloading the file.
Preceding Tasks
This option allows the user to establish the sequence for implementing the tasks. For this, the user has to click on the button ‘Associate’ and to select the task or tasks which must be performed previously. In case the user wants to remove an association, it’s necessary to select the row and click on the button ‘Remove’.
Subsequent tasks
This option allows the user to establish the sequence for carrying out the tasks. For this, the user has to click on the button ‘Associate’ and to select the task or tasks which must be performed afterwards. In case the user wants to remove an association, it’s necessary to select the row and click on the button ‘Remove’.
This option allows the user to define sub-tasks of one task previously established. For this, you have to click on the button ‘New’ which generates a new entry in the table. In case the user wants to remove a sub-task, it’s necessary to select the row and to click on the button ‘Remove’.