Sections (BCP)

This option allows the user to define the sections of the Continuity Plan. You can carry out the following options in the table.
New: It allows you to insert a new section in the table.
Remove: It offers the possibility of removing one entry of the table. For this task you have to select the row and click on the button ‘Remove’.
Move up: It allows you to move the option to a higher position.
Move down: It allows you to move the option to a lower position.
Associate Permissions: It allows the user to associate the role or roles which you can access to this option of the Continuity Plan.
When you click on the button, it will appear the following screen on which we can define the following options.

Add: Once select the role in the dropdown menu, it allows you to associate that role to the section.
Remove: It allows you to remove an association already created. For this task, you have to select the row and click on the button ‘Remove’.
Edit Section: It allows the user to define the contents of the section. To do this, you have to select the section that you want to modify and click on the button, after that a form is displayed which allows you to edit the content.

These are the options that GlobalSUITE allows to perform:
Save: It allows you to store all the changes performed in this section
Back: When you click on this button, GlobalSUITE returns the user to the section list of the Continuity Plan.
Items: It allows you to define the items which the section will contain. You can use the following ones:
Text: This is text fields you can add any piece of informaction you want.
Page orientation: It allows you to define the orientation of the section, you can select the vertical or horizontal orientation.
Graph: It allows to incorporate to the section different graphs existent in the platform, as it is shown in the image.
Page break: It allows you to insert a page break in the section.
Table: It allows to incorporate to the section an existing table in the platform, being able to select among different table models (Continuity, Availability, etc.). For each inserted table it is possible to configure the information to be displayed, to add filters and to order the information under different criteria.

Add: Once you have selected the desired item, you can add it to the section structure by clicking on the 'Add' button.
NOTE: You can add all items you want. The displayed items are generated in the added order. In case you want to modify the items, you have to drag them to the desired position.
Import: It allows you to import the existing items in other reports already created.
Preview: It allows you to generate a preview of the section for checking the result of the added items
Back: When you click on the button, it shows the list of the continuity plans already defined.
Download: You can download the list of section in editable format (.xlsx) or in PDF