Critical HHRR
This section allows the user to define the people of the organization who are critical for the company, e.g Emergency teams or Disaster Recovery Teams.

To create a new critical HR group you have to click on the button ‘Add’ and it will appear a new entry in the table. To remove a group you have to select a row or rows and click on the button ‘Remove’.
The 'Download' button allows you to download the list of Critical HR groups in editable format (.xlsx) or in PDF.
The 'Show' button allows you to filter the Critical Human Resources that the table displays. These are the options that you can perform:
By Entity: It shows all Critical Human Resources of the entity on which you're working on. This is the view by default of GlobalSUITE.
My Committees: It shows the Critical Human Resouces where the user belongs.
All: It shows all Critical Human Resources of the entity you're working on and all entities which are in lower levels.
To define the details of one Critical HR group you have to click on the name directly.

The form allows you to do the following actions:
Save: It allows you to save the changes or modifications made in the form.
Back: The program returns to the previous screen where are located all Critical Human Resources.
Download: It allows you to download the Critical Human Resources in editable format (docx).
The form has the following information:
Name: Descriptive name of the committee that will appear in the initial table of the option.
Description: It allows a detailed description of the functionality.
Creation Date: It identifies the creation date of the group.
Services: It enables to associate the committee to one or several services of the organization. To associate one service you have to select it in the drop down and click on the button ‘Add’. In case you want to remove the service, you have to select the service and click on the button ‘Remove’.
Committee Members of Critical HR Group: This type allows you to generate a grupo of people who are critical resources in the organization.Esta tabla permite asociar a los RRHH críticos los empleados que lo componen. En la siguiente sección se detalla su funcionamiento.
Committee Members of Critical HR Group
The table of Committee Members allows you to associate employees, which are available in GlobalSUITE, to the Critical Human Resources. This table allows you to associate permanent employees, substitutes and employees invited to the committee.

These are the available options for establishing the employees of the Critical HR group:
Associate Employees: Clicking on this option it appears a screen with all roles and employees defined in the option 'Roles & Employees'. It also appears the employees who are not associated with any role. Through different checkboxes you can associate employees to the committee.
Once selected you have to click on the button 'Load Roles/Employees' for adding them to the committee.

The employees, who have been added to the Critical HR group, are registered by default as 'permanent' employees. You can change the type in the column 'Member type' and you can define an employee as 'Substitute' or 'Guest'.
Associate Substitutes: This option allows you to associate a substitute to a 'Permanent' employee (for types 'Substitute' or 'Guest' is not allowed to associate substitutes employees). To do this, select the employee and click on the button 'Associate Substitutes', it shows a table with all employees of the organization and you can select one or more substitutes.
Show: This button allows you to filter the table for showing/hiding substitutes which are associated with permanent employees. By default this table shows with the substitutes completely hidden.
Move up/Move down Order: These buttons allows you to order the substitues who are associated with a 'Permanent' employee. For this task, you have to select a substitue and click on the specific button in case you want to move up or move down the order.
Modify Employee: This option allows you to modify the identifying data of one selected employee in the table. A pop up window with all the fields in the form of employee will be displayed.
Expand/Collapse: These buttons allows you to show all employees or collapse the elements for only showing the roles.