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Multiple Risks

This option offers the possibility of generating a specific threat which involves several threats defined in the section of the ‘Risk Analysis’.

When you accede to this section, it appears the following tables where you can perform these actions:

  • Left table: It shows the tree with all the assets and associated threats which includes the valuations generated in the section ‘Risk Analysis’.

    • Right table: It shows a list of all the assets defined in the section ‘Asset Inventory’.

In case you want to generate a global threat you have to select the checkbox of the threat or threats in the left table and select the asset of the right table which will be affected and click on the button ‘Associate’.

The action generates the following section on which you can carry out these actions:

Threat Definition

  • Asset: It identifies the name of the asset affected by the threat.

  • Threat: It allows you to define the name of the threat.

  • Vulnerability: It indicates the vulnerability associated with the threat

  • Coment: It allows you to insert any additional text about the asset.

  • Dimensions: It shows the dimensions list defined in the Analysis Methodologies in order to be valued.

  • Threats: It identifies through a list the threats which constitute the global threat.


It allows you to associate different cost of the global threat which has been generated. These are the actions which can be performed:

  • Costs: It allows you to deploy the cost list which has been generated in the section ‘Administration’.

  • Add: Once selected the cost in the drop down menu, you can associate it if you click on the button ‘Add’.

  • Remove: It allows you to remove different costs which are defined in the table. For this task, you have to select the row or rows and click on the button ‘Remove’.

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