Plans Summary
This option offers a list of all plans that the organization has defined and it shows a list of controls defined in the options 'Star up/Adequacy Plan' y 'Análisis/Risk Management'.

These are the options which can be performed in the controls table.
Expand: It expands the list of all the controls.
Contract: It contracts the list of all the controls.
This is the information which the columns show:
Name: It identifies the name of the control
Plan: It shows the name of the catalog on which the control is associated.
Type: It allows you to identify if the control is derived from an compliance plan or a treatment plan.
Coordinator: It shows the information of the coordinator of the control.
Resources: It shows the list of the resources assigned with the control.
Deadline: It identifies the implementation term of the control.
Cost: It offers information about the cost of the implementation of the control.
If we click on the link of the control, it shows a form on which we can define the following fields:

Name: It identifies the name of the control which will be shown in the lower table.
GAP Control: It allows you to identify the control on which is associated.
Action: It offers the possibility of describing deeper on which the control consists.
Coordinator: It identifies the coordinator inside the organization which will verify the implementation of the control in the term defined.
Resources: It allows you to identify the resources or departments of the organization which will be involved in the implementation of the control.
Deadline: It identifies the term on which the control must be implemented in the organization.
Associated Cost: It defines the cost which has the implementation of the control for the organization.
Observations:It allows you to indicate any additional comment associated with the control.
Indicators: It allows you to associate one or several indicators defined in the section ‘ScoreCard/Indicators’.
Actions associated with the control
It allows the user to define the actions which are necessary for the implementation of the control. The user has to click on the button ‘Add’. This action generates a new entry which defines the following parameters:

Name: It identifies the name of the actions clicking twice on the cell.
Coordinator: It identifies the coordinator or department which is in charge of verifying the completion of the action in the term defined.
Resources: It allows the user to identify the resource or resources involved in the implementation of the action.
Deadline: It identifies the deadline on which the action must be completed. This term must not exceed the implementation term of the control
In case the user wants to remove an action, it has to select the row or rows and to clicking on the button ‘Remove’.