The Business Impact Analysis (BIA) allows you to determinate what are the essential services for the continuity of the company operations.

When you accede to the option ‘Pre-BIA’, it shows a list with the Impact Analysis registered. By default the platform shows the individual Pre-BIA and its operations are developed on the following point. The initial actions that could be done there are:
New: It allows you to create a new BIA record. You have to select on the drop down the services you want to analyze and click on the button ‘New’. The services can be defined on ‘Start up/Services Catalog’

Remove: It allows you to remove a Pre-BIA already registered. You have to select the desired row or rows and click on the button ‘Remove’.
Download: It allows you to download the list of Pre-Bias in an editable format (.xlsx) or in PDF format.
Individual Pre-BIA
Table of Impacts

It allows you to assess certain services and how the different impacts on a time scale impacts them. You have to click on the cell and select a certain value that is among Very low and Very high.
Previously, the impacts and time scale have to be configured in the section ‘Home/Configuration’.

It allows you to visualize graphically the values inserted in the Impacts table. These are the following options for the visualization:
Show specific impacts: you can visualize in a comprehensive manner each one of the impact assessments done in the previous section.
Show high impact: You can visualize the maximum level of impact per each time scale.
Show MTPD: You can visualize the Maximum Tolerable Period of Disruption. This calculation is developed on the following section.
If the user wants to see a concrete graph, you could select its visualization on the frame situated below the graph.

MTPD calculation

These are the options to calculate and define the MTPD:
MTPD Type: It allows you to establish the type of calculation (Manual or Automatic).
Selection criteria: Depending on the MTPD type that has been selected it’s possible to calculate the MTPD.
Manual: The user that is in charge of the management, it has to fix the numeric value and maximum time of the interruption
Automatic: The platform calculates automatically the MTPD according to the following criteria:
First impact: It establishes the MTPD when the first level of impact that has been found it matches with the scale defined by the user (Very High – Very low).
First average of impact: It establishes the MTPD when the average of the impacts it matches with the scale defined by the user (Very High – Very Low).
First type of impact: It establishes the MTPD when the first level of an impact, it matches with the scale defined by the user (Very High – Very Low).

Once they have been defined all the criteria, it’s required to click on the button ‘Obtain MTPD’ and GlobalSUITE calculates the value automatically.
MTPD: It shows the maximum tolerable outage that has been assessed.
Minimum level of operation: It allows you to identify the processes and minimal resources needed for providing the service.
Confidence Grade in the measure: It indicates the level of trust of the user according to the MTPD obtained.
Resumption of the regular levels of operation

Resumption term: You may establish the maximum time on which the organization have to return to the normality.
Justification: It allows you to do any comment that justifies the time defined in the previous point.
Pre-BIA Data

Name: Descriptive name of the Pre-BIA which will be shown on the initial table..
Date: It establishes the date to perform a Pre-BIA.
Head Coordinator: This field identifies the head coordinator that performs the Pre -BIA.
Departament: It identifies the department or departments involved on the performance and assessment of the Pre-BIA.
Conclusions: It allows you to identify the conclusions related with the results obtained in the business impact analysis when you click on the button Add. In case you want to remove one conclusion, you have to select the selected row or rows and click on the button Remove.
Consolidated Pre-BIA
This option allows you to merge several Pre-BIA that have been done in the same service; this option offers to the user a global vision of the impact analysis in one service.
When you accede to these options, the platform shows a list with the services defined in the scope, the number of Pre-BIA (individuals) performed on this service and the consolidated MTPD.
NOTE: The value of the consolidated MTPD is only shown once the several Pre-BIAs has been merged.

To consolidate the individual Pre-BIAs, you have to click on the name of the service where you accede to the following screen:

These are the following options allowed:
Save: Once selected the type of Consolidation (Manual o Automatic), it allows you to save the selection performed.
Back: It allows you to return to the list of consolidated PreBIAS
Show Values: It shows the values on which the level of impact is calculated. These values have been defined on the section ‘Home/Configuration’.
By Departament: It allows you to visualize in a graphical form the assessments performed in one service by different departments of the organizations. When you visualize you can see the graphs in an emergent window or show the graphs in one individual tab of the browser.

For Type of Impact: It allows you to visualize in a graphical form the assessments performed in one or several impacts by different departments of the organizations. When you visualize you can see the graphs in an emergent window or show the graphs in one individual tab of the browser.
To consolidate several Pre=BIA, the platform allows us the following options:
Manual: It allows the user to establish the impact values individually based on the Pre-BIA (individual) performed by different departments. You can use the buttons 'By department' or 'By Type of impact' where the defined values are shown in the Pre-BIA (individuals) In a graphical way.
Automatic: It allows you to consolidate several Pre-BIA (individuals) automatically, you have two different ways of calculation:
Same for all types of impact
It performs an automatic consolidation of the Pre-BIAS that want this consolidation. To do this, click on the drop down, select the Pre-BIA and click on the button ‘Add’. In case you want to remove a Pre-BIA of the list, you have to click on the button ‘Remove’.

Once selected the Pre-BIAS, you have to define the consolidation criterion that could be:
Average: It does an average among the values that have been defined.
Weighted average: It allows you to do a weighted average of the values establishing the importance weights on the Pre-BIA (Individuals).

Maximum: It consolidates the values defined on the Pre-BIA, and selecting the maximum point of the values to consolidate.

According to the graph of Economic Impact, the consolidation on the maximum value in one second will show the medium level.
Minimum: It consolidates the values defined in the Pre-BIA, and selecting the minimum point of the values to consolidate.

According to the graph of Economic Impact, the consolidation on the minimum value in one second will show the very-low level.
Once the consolidation values are defined, it’s necessary to manage and define the Consolidated Pre-BIA as it has been developed in the section ‘Individual Pre-BIA’, obtaining the MTPD and defining the minimum operating levels.
Different for each type of impact

It allows you to define the consolidation criteria for each type of impact that has been assessed. These criteria have been developed in the previous point.
Once the consolidation criteria are defined, it’s necessary to manage and define the Consolidated Pre-BIA as it has been developed in the section ‘Individual Pre-BIA’, obtaining the MTPD and defining the minimum operating levels, etc.