Compliance Plan
The Compliance plan is related with the option ‘Gap Analysis’ and it allows you to adapt the deviations detected during the analysis phase of the regulatory requirements.
Compliance Plans
In this section the platform shows a list of the compliance plans that have been established.
To define a new compliance plan you have to select the catalog assessed in the option ‘Gap Analysis’ on the drop down and click on the button ‘New’ which generates a new entry in the table. To remove an compliance plan you have to select the row or rows you want and click on the button ‘Remove’.

If we click on the name of the compliance plan we accede to a list with the actions to perform for correcting the deviations with respect to the initial analysis. The tasks list shows those phases defined as ‘Non implemented’ or ‘Partially Implemented’ in the section ‘Gap Analysis’.

When you click on in each one of the tasks, it appears the file where we could establish the following parameters:

Name: It identifies the name of the adequacy task.
Action: In this field you can do a deeper description of the task.
Supervisor: It Identifies the person responsible within the organization to verify the accomplishment of the task of adaptation or of its actions. This supervisor can be selected from the set of Employees (view section in the Management tab).
Other supervisor: It identifies the person responsible within the organization to verify the accomplishment of the task of adaptation or of its actions, being able to define it in a textual manner.
Resources: It allows you to identify the resources that they will be involved on the completion of the task.
Term: It identifies the maximum term on which the task must be finished.
Associated Cost: It allows you to define if the implementation of the tasks will carry out any associated cost.
Comments: It allows you to add any additional comment.
Observations: You can add any additional observation to the task.
Indicators: This field shows those indicators that have been associated to do a better assessment of the task. To associate indicators you have to accede to the drop down and select the desired indicator and click on the button ‘Add’.
To remove an associated indicator, you have to select the row or rows and click on the button ‘Remove’.
NOTE: The management of the indicators is developed in the section 'ScoreCard / Indicators'
Actions: It allows you to establish intermediate actions which implement a defined task. To incorporate an action you have to click on the button ‘New’ which generates a new entry in the table. In case you want to delete an associated action, you have to select the row or rows and click on the button ‘Remove’.
Each one of the actions allows you to complete fields such as Action, Coordinator, Resources and Term – this field must not exceed the time fixed for the consecution of the task.

Follow up

This option of the compliance plan allows the user to carry out a control of the implementation of the tasks defined previously on the section ‘Compliance Plans’.
When you accede to the follow up, this table is displayed:
Risk Treatment Plan: On one hand, it displays those parameters that have been defined in the section ‘Compliance Plan’ such as list of tasks, supervisors, completion term, etc. When Cuando se amplía uno de estos elementos, puede establecerse el grado de implantación de las tareas que se han definido. Para ello se ha de pulsar dos veces sobre la celda deseada en la columna estado y seleccionar el nivel de avance. La herramienta por defecto propone los niveles No Implementada, Parcialmente Implementada e Implementada, pero se pueden parametrizar en el apartado ‘Administración’. Según se vayan rellenando, se irá recalculando la columna "Progreso" automáticamente.