Specific Objectives
This option allows you to establish those objectives which support the consecution of the Business target previously fixed.

In the main screen of the specific objectives appear the lists with all the objectives which have been defined before.

These are the options provided by GlobalSUITE in the main screen of the Specific Objectives:
New: It allows you to generate a new target.
Remove: It allows you to remove a target which has been defined before.
Show: It allows you to show the objectives defined.
GlobalSUITE allows you to show all the objectives or just those objectives which are activated.

Download: It allows you to download the list of objectives defined.

GlobalSUITE allows you to download the list in an editable format or in PDF.
NOTE: To access an objective, it is necessary to click on the name of the one that is to be defined in the target column.
Once you access to one of the specific objectives, GlobalSUITE provides the following information which allows you to define and to control the follow up of the objectives defined before. The structure is organized through sections or tabs. The sections of the form are displayed so that you should try to provide all the possible information in each of them.
This section allows you to review graphically the state of the Specific Target as well as the state of the Indicators through this target is obtained.

Indicators chart: It shows the state of the indicators which support the Specific Target selected in the appropriate numeric value for the indicator defined.

At the same time GlobalSUITE provides the option of representing those specific objectives which are appropriate. For this task you have to click on those objectives which you don’t want to represent.

Escalate Indicators Chart: IT shows the state of the Indicators which support the Specific Target selected according to the scales that have been established.

NOTE: The scales have been defined previously in the option Configuration of GlobalSUITE.
Evaluated Indicators Chart: It shows the summary of all the indicators which provide the information associated with the Specific Target according to the scales defined before in the configuration of GlobalSUITE.

Specific Target Chart: It shows the state of the Specific Target selected according to the scales previously defined and the results obtained of the indicators which correspond with the target.

Target Information

Name: It allows you to determine the name of the Specific Target defined.
Head Coordinator: It allows you to establish the employee which will be in charge of the management, measurement and consecution of one specific target.
Business Target: It establishes the business target which is achieved by the present specific target, among others.
Starting Date: It establishes the Starting Date of the target implementation.
Ending Date: It fixes the date on which the target won’t be applicable anymore.
Description: It allows you to determine any additional information which can be useful for complying with the target defined before.
Resources: It allows you to determine which is necessary to comply with the target previously fixed.
Temporality: It establishes how often the target will be evaluated.
Budget: It establishes what amount of money you have for achieving the target which has been defined.
Priority: It allows you to designate a particular order in the consecution of different specific objectives which are associated with a business target.
Services: It establishes what services are affected or the services on which the specific target influences

Affected Areas: It establishes what areas will be affected or in what areas influence the specific target previously fixed
Strategic Actions: It allows you to establish those tasks, steps or actions which are needed to achieve with the compliance of the specific target established.
Documents: It allows you to associate any type of document or record which can be useful for the consecution of the target fixed.

Indicators: It allows you to generate or fix what indicators comply with the specific target which support.
NOTE: It’s possible to access to each one of the related & specific objectives when you click on the name of each one of these objectives.
There are the following options for fixing the indicators: -Add: It allows you to include a new indicator which will be defined afterwards. -Remove: It allows you to remove an indicators previously generated. -Examine: It allows you to associate an indicator which has been defined directly in the option ‘Indicators’.
Weight: GlobalSUITE allows you to determine the weight of influence of each one of the indicators over the specific target which support.
It’s necessary which the sum of each one of the weights for each one of the indicators will be 100. If this condition won’t be complying it will appear the values of the weights identified in red.

Chart: This option of GlobalSUITE opens an emergent window where the values of the indicator are represented.

NOTE: In the graphical display appear the colors which correspond with the states defined for the values obtained.
Related & Specific Objectives

Specific Objectives: This option allows to associate different specific objectives which have been defined before with the end of relating with the target which are being defined.

GlobalSUITE also allows:
-Add: It allows you to associate the specific target selected.
-Remove: It allows you to remove the target which has been associated previously.

Temporality: It establishes the frequency on which the assessments of the specific objectives are done.
The range of frequencies is provided by GlobalSUITE and it oscillates among the possibility of fixing daily assessments or yearly assessments.

Assessment Criteria: It allows you to define what criteria have been needed to carry out the evaluation of the specific target.
Assessments: It allows you to register the compliance assessments which have been carried out over the business target defined previously.
GlobalSUITE provides us the following options for establishing the registration of the assessment record of the Business Target -Add: It allows you generate a new assessment record. -Remove: It allows you to remove an assessment record previously generated
NOTE 1: The entire fields represented in the assessments are editable
NOTE 2: The value of each one of the assessments is fixed according to the scale values defined.

GlobalSUITE provides us the following options in the top bar and at the bottom:
Save: It allows you to save the changes which have been done in the Target.
Back: It allows you to return to the main screen where they appear the list of objectives.
Download: It allows you to download the business target as a report (in an editable format docx).