Business Objectives
The main screen of this menu shows the list with all the objectives which have been defined.
These are the options provided by GlobalSUITE in the main screen:
New: It allows you to generate a new business target.
Remove: It allows you to remove a business target which has been defined previously
Show: It allows you to show the business objectives defined.
GlobalSUITE allows you to show all the objectives or just those objectives which are activated.
Download: It allows you to download the list of objectives which are defined.
GlobalSUITE allows you to download the list in an editable format (Excel) or in PDF. NOTE: For acceding to a target it’s necessary to click on the name which you want to define in the target column.
The information, which is needed in each one of the business objectives, appears separately in different sections:
This section allows you to review graphically the state of the business target as well as the state of the specific objectives on which it has been obtained.
Specific Target Chart: It shows the state of the Specific Objectives which support the Business Target which has been selected according to the appropriate scales.
NOTE: The scales have been defined previously in the option ‘Configuration’ of GlobalSUITE.
At the same time GlobalSUITE provides the option of representing the specific objectives which you consider. For this task you have to click on those objectives which you don’t want to represent.
Target Chart: It shows the state of the Business Target which you have selected according to the scales defined previously
NOTE: The scales have been defined previously in the option ‘Configuration’ of GlobalSUITE.
Evaluated Indicators Chart: It shows the summary of all the specific objectives which provide the information which corresponds with the Business Objectives according to the scales defined previously in the configuration of GlobalSUITE.
NOTE: The scales have been defined previously in the option configuration of GlobalSUITE.
The solution provides us the option of downloading the chart or printing directly (for all the charts which are selected).
The option allows you to download the chart in the following formats:
Target Information
Name: It allows you to rename the business target.
Asset: It establishes if the asset is active for this period or as business target to achieve.
Perspective: It allows you to determine the ambit of the organization. These perspectives are defined before in the option configuration of GlobalSUITE.
Date: It establishes the beginning of the measurement or control of the target.
Head Coordinator: It allows you to fix which employee will be the coordinator of the management and the consecution of the business.
Description: It allows you to include any type of information which you consider relevant as help for the understanding of the Business Target.
Services: It establishes the services which are affected or influenced by the Business Target.
Affected areas: It establishes the areas which are affected by the Business Target.
Specific Objectives: It allows you to generate or fix which specific objectives will allow to achieve with the Business Target selected.
There are the following options for fixing the specific objectives: -Add: It allows you to include a new business target which will be defined afterwards. -Remove: It allows you to remove a specific target which has been generated previously. -Examine: It allows you to associate a specific target which has been defined directly in the section ‘Specific Objectives’. NOTE: It’s possible to access to each one of the specific objectives, which are related, if we click on the name.
Documents: It allows you to associate any type of document which can be useful to achieve or evince the compliance of the business target previously generated.
Frequency: It establishes the periocity on which the Business Assessments are done .
The range of frequencies is provided by GlobalSUITE and it oscillates among the possibility of fixing daily assessments or yearly assessments.
Assessments: It allows you to register the compliance assessments which have been carried out over the business target defined previously.
GlobalSUITE provides us the following options for establishing the registration of the assessment record of the Business Target -Add: It allows you generate a new assessment record. -Remove: It allows you to remove an assessment record previously generated
NOTE 1: The entire fields represented in the assessments are editable NOTE 2: The value of each one of the assessments is fixed according to the scale values defined.
GlobalSUITE provides us the following options in the top bar and at the bottom:
Save: It allows you to save the changes which have been done in the Business Target.
Back: It allows you to return to the main screen where they appear the list of objectives.
Download: It allows you to download the business target as a report (in an editable format docx).