This section allows you to define those facilities which the organization has.

When the user accedes to this option, it appears a table which allows the user to perform the following actions:
New: It allows the user to include a new asset in the table.
Remove: It allows you to remove an infrastructure asset already defined. For this, the user has to select the row or rows and click on the button ‘Remove’.
Download: It downloads the list of assets in editable format (.xlsx) or in PDF.
When the user clicks on the link of the assets, it shows the options for parameterizing and it’s possible to define the following fields:

Name: It allows you to define the name of the asset.
Category: It offers the possibility of assigning a category to an asset.
Owner: You can define the resource which is assigned for the management of the asset.
Customizable Attributes: It allows you to insert attributes on an Infrastructure asset. For this, it can define attributes clicking on the button ‘New’ which generates a new entry in the table. You can modify the entry clicking twice on the same cell. In case you want to insert attributes which have been configured previously in the section ‘Administration/Analysis Methodologies’, it’s necessary to click on the button ‘Provide customizable attributes’.
Address: It allows you to establish the address where the asset is located.
Country: It offers the possibility of establishing the country where the asset is located.
Alternative facilities: It offers the possibility of associating other facilities with the asset on which will be necessary in the event of a disaster.
Assessment of Dimensions
This section of the form can perform the assessment of the infrastructure in the dimensions which have been configured for the inventory.

The dimensions are customizable in ‘Administration/Analysis Methodologies/General Configuration’. You can indicate what dimensions are visible or not. In case they don’t have visible dimensions, this section will not be shown in the infrastructure form.