This option allows you to generate models through the information stored in the Management System.

When you accede to this option, GlobalSUITE shows a table on which you can perform the following actions:
New: It allows you to generate a new entry of the table and you can generate a report model.
Remove: It allows you to remove a report model already created. For this task you have to select the row and rows and click on the button 'Remove'.
When you click on the name, you accede to its own configuration and there are two options:
General Configuration

It offers the posibility of defining the general format of the report, and it allows you to modify the following parameters:
Name: It identifies the name of the report.
Header: It offers the possibility of showing a header for the report.
Header Content: It allows you to define the information which will contain the header of the report.
Footer: It offers the possibility of showing a footer for the report.
Footer Content: It allows you to define the information which will contain the footer of the report.
Page number: It allows you to identify the number of pages in the reports when you select the checkbox.
NOTE: This option is only available if the footer option is selected.
Front page: It allows you to enable the option of including a front page in the report.
Front content: It offers the possibility of establishing how to be the front page, you can select the type of typeface, justification, image, etc.
Index: It's possible to generate an index when you mark the checkbox.
Text format: It offers the possibility of parameterizing the typeface and the size which the text will have in the report.

The items configuration allows you to define the structure and information which the report will have in the content.
GlobalSUITE gives the following options:
Save: You can save the modifications performed on the report.
Back: When you click on this button, GlobalSUITE returns to the list of reports defined in the table.
Items: It allows you to define which items will have the report, and you can select among the following items:
Text: This text field allows the user to add additional information.
Page orientation: You can define the orientation of the report, you can select among Vertical or Horizontal.
Graph: You can add different graphs generated by the platform as the following image shows.

Page break: It allows the user to insert a page break.
Table: It allows that the report will hava a table, and it's possible to select among these models (Continuity, Availability, etc) and its different information columns.

Add: Once selected the item or items, it allows you add them to the structure of the report clicking on the button 'Add'.
NOTE: You can add all the items as you need. The items are generated in the order which have been added.
Import: It allows you to import sections of other reports already built.
Preview: It offers the possibility of generating a preview of the report before you download it.