Crisis Management Info

Activation Data

In these fields it is allowed to establish all the data that will determine, the origin, the date of detection, the cause and those responsible for the Activation of the Crisis Management Plan.
Name: It allows to establish a specific name to the Crisis that has proceeded to define.
Related Incidents: It allows you to determine if a Crisis Management has its origin in one or several specific incidents. In case of an incident, this table will automatically be associated with the Crisis Management.
Description: It allows you to determine what has happened for proceeding to call the Crisis Management Plan for possible activation
Coordinator: Person who is in charge of coordinating and supervising the Crisis Management.
Date of Detection: Set the date on which the event occurred.
Status: Indicates the status of the Crisis Management (Notified, In Progress or Completed).

Crisis level: It indicates the current level of the crisis, and comes from the level of the crisis management plan that has been activated. This level cannot be modified, but the crisis would be escalated to another crisis management plan in case you want to change the level.
Impacts: It indicates the status under which each type of impact is at that moment in crisis management, as well as the individual level in which each type of impact is found. The "View General Impacts" button allows you to accede to the company's general information regarding impacts and levels, to help the user decide if the level of each impact changes.

Reference Scenarios: This table displays the crisis scenarios that have resulted in the activation of the crisis management plan. Using the "View Actions" button you can view the actions that should be taken into account when considering a scenario in crisis management.
Services: This table lists the services and processes affected by crisis management.
Infrastructures: This table lists the critical infrastructures that are being affected by crisis management.
Crisis Management Data

This section displays the members of the committee associated with the management of the declared crisis. The committee associated with the crisis corresponds to the committee associated with the Crisis Management Plan activated.
Decision-making committee: It indicates the name of the decision-making committee associated with crisis management.
Attendance Confirmation of the Committee Members: This table automatically displays the members of the committee. In this section it is possible to indicate if a member has presented itself to the decision making committee, or if on the contrary it has not been able to attend. In case a member cannot attend and the member has defined members that replace him, the functionality of the option allows to notify the first substitute. To do this, it is necessary to select that a member could not attend through the check located in the last column of the table, and automatically GlobalSUITE notifies to the first substitute (if there is one).
External Members and support to the Management System Committee: This table displays the external members of the crisis management committee, which may have relevance in the plan, but which do not belong to the management system.

Disruptive Events: In this table you can manage events that are occurring in a crisis management, and that need further treatment.
New: It allows you to create a new event.
Remove: It allows you to remove an event by selecting it in the table.
Associate Impacts: It allows you to associate different types of impacts that are being affected by this event.
Associate Actions: It allows to associate actions of the table "Resolutive Actions" that are trying to solve the disruptive event
Associate Stakeholders: It allows to associate clients/stakeholders, who have been defined in the table "Clients/ Business Relations", and that are being affected by this event.
Associate Suppliers: It allows you to associate suppliers that have been defined in the "Suppliers" table, and that are being affected by that event.
Resolutive actions Status: In this table you can manage the resolutive actions that are carried out during a crisis management, to solve the disruptive events that are happening.
New: It allows you to create a new action.
Remove: It allows you to remove an action by selecting it in the table.
Associate Scenarios: It allows you to associate scenarios that have been defined in the "Reference Scenarios" table, and that are being affected by that event.
Associate Supervisor: It allows to assign a supervisor to the action, among the list of employees of the organization.
Associate Events: It allows to associate the events of the table to which the action is giving support to solve it.
Support Information Systems of Crisis Management

Objectives: This table indicates the objectives to be achieved in crisis management.
Relations & Communication

Clients (Business Relations): This table lists the clients (business relations) that are being affected in crisis management
This table lists the suppliers that are being affected in crisis management. These suppliers are configured in the "Suppliers" option in the Start up menu.

Escalated: This table indicates that other crisis management plans of my entity, or other entities, can scale the management of the current crisis. The "Scale" button will send a notification to the managers of the crisis management plan selected in the table, so that those supervisors consider whether or not to activate the selected crisis management plan.
Active Crisis: This table shows that crises are active, either from the entity itself or from children entities, which are likely to escalate to the Crisis Management Plan that activated the specific crisis management.
Attached Files

It offers the possibility to the user to attach any document, which helps to complete Crisis Management by clicking on the 'Attach' button. Once uploaded, the documents can be downloaded by clicking on the 'Download' button.